honey oil question


Active Member
Alright i saw this video where a guy was making honey oil, but the glass cooking pan he used to catch the honey in had water in it to make it easier to collect as the honey floated on the water and he didn't have to scrape it off. I have only seen one guy do this and was wondering if he had a great idea that hasnt caught on or whether there is a reason to not do it this way? Anyone tried this?


New Member
I would like to see the video. I make oil all the time and am curious how this method is done and what the advantages are to using water in the glass dish.


Active Member
Here is the YouTube video


I am also interested to hear about anybody's experience with this.

Also wondering if honey oil sticks to vinyl gloves. I know trichomes don't but not sure about melter trichomes.


Active Member
Here is the YouTube video


I am also interested to hear about anybody's experience with this.

Also wondering if honey oil sticks to vinyl gloves. I know trichomes don't but not sure about melter trichomes.

ya that is exactly what i was talking about.
Also does anyone know anything about this...
seems like you would lose some of the thc doing this, but aparently not and this would make it easy to store and use than honey and if you look at this guy's videos he has a couple where he smokes it aswell and one little piece of that stuff makes and absolutely astounding amount of smoke?


Active Member
First time i seen somebody turning their oil into powder. I might try that next time so I can compare the differance.


New Member
I am most definitely going to try both of those methods. Very impressed with the find on the videos, I learned something new today.