Honey oil questions


Active Member
I've read that hash oil can degrade quickly, could I mix some hash oil with a pouch of rolling tobacco and just carry my pouch around without the fear of getting busted? or does oil degrade too fast for that to work. or should I just get a pack of butts and put a couple drops on each? if so, how many drops?

How do I store honey oil?

What's the dosage? I understand that there's nil chance for dangerous overdose, but the effect to dosage ratio is much more delicate than straight bud.



Well-Known Member
I've read that hash oil can degrade quickly, could I mix some hash oil with a pouch of rolling tobacco and just carry my pouch around without the fear of getting busted? or does oil degrade too fast for that to work. or should I just get a pack of butts and put a couple drops on each? if so, how many drops?

How do I store honey oil?

What's the dosage? I understand that there's nil chance for dangerous overdose, but the effect to dosage ratio is much more delicate than straight bud.

I've never heard that oil degrades. Im not sure if it does. But I have kept oil for months and it was fine. i store it in a small glass tube container with a lid. You only need a tiny amount, i just dip a needle into my tube and pull out a small glob, like a drop or 2. Thats all you need. As far as putting it in your tobacco, DONT DO IT!!! For one thats gross, 2 it isnt a substance that will mix very well, or at all. All you will manage to do is have tobacco stuck to a chunk of oil. If you wanna be sneaky about it, get some oil coat the inside of a rolling paper with it and roll your own cigarette. Thats how i do it if im gonna do it that way. But usually i just stick it on top of a bowl. Or smoke it by it self in an oil pipe. (Basically a pipe made for smoking meth), but they work great for oil!!! If you dont mind feeling like a tweaker when you hit it.

YES, it is way more potent than bud is, NO, you wont overdose. I read somewhere that for someone to overdose on pot they would have to smoke something like 200 lbs in a 15 minute period. So dont worry bout that, id worry about your plans to ruin all that fine oil, by sticking it in a tobacco pouch!!!!!

Hope This HElped


Well-Known Member
hahaha...oil burners, i actually havent tried using one with oil. but i bet they work best. there have been times where i have been VERY desperate to smoke but didnt have bud or a piece. i took my oil container and heated the bottom of it just to liquify the oil more. then i dipped the tip of a cigarette in and smoked it. you only need a lttle oil because its so potent...then the rest of the cig will satisfy you


Well-Known Member
....as far as oil degrading or losing potentcy, never heard of it, nor experienced it. and ive kept oil for a long ass time.


Active Member
What if I were to dissolve some oil in acetone, or a similar non polar solvent, and spray it over my tobacco? The reason I ask about dosage is that I'm curious about the dissolved oil to tobacco ratio. The idea of this is that I could walk around with this stuff, get searched and come up clean.