Okay, BACK ON TOPIC, lol, here's the scoop on Butane -vs- Galvanized Steel.
Been doing it for YEARS, as in since the 1980's, and NEVER had any complaints and NEVER felt any ill effects from any of the oil's produced using galvanized pipes. And I was a welder too and so absolutely understand the toxic problems associated with breathing in zinc fumes.
BUT to be clear, first off there is no heat involved in the extraction process (and believe me it takes a LOT of heat in order to burn zinc oxide). Second, butane does NOT react with galvanized steel and so there is zero probability that the any zinc will leach out in the extraction process (especially considering how short a span of time is involved). Third, even if you failed to clean your galvanized parts prior to using them (not the most brilliant move) any minute amount of zinc oxide that might exist on the inner walls will be negligible, and HIGHLY unlikely to cause you ANY harm, especially considering how little anyone would ingest at one sitting (seriously, I don't care how big a stoner you are,
So the alarmists running around with their hair on fire with all their dire warnings basically don't understand what they're talking about or don't have a firm grasp on the process that takes place during a butane extraction and/or smoking it afterwards, lol. All the talk about "metal fume fever" is ridiculous! This is an OCCASSIONAL affliction of welders and foundry workers who are chronically exposed to far greater amounts than ANYONE who's smoking BHO. Seriously, people really need to KNOW what the hell they're talking about, not just Google stuff and then run around acting like Chicken Little. Seriously.
Lest you doubt the veracity of my claim about butane reacting with galvanized steel, here's a short list of substances and whether they corrode or otherwise react with it.
Compatibility of galvanized coatings with various media
Compatibility of galvanized coatings with various media is
summarised in the table below.
Aerosol propellants _________________excellent
Acid solutions weak, cold quiescent_____fair
strong____________________________not recommended
Alcohols anhydrous_________________good
water mixtures_____________________not recommended
beverages_________________________not recommended
Alkaline solutions up to pH 12.5________fair
strong____________________________not recommended
Carbon tetrachloride_________________excellent
Cleaning solvents___________________excellent
Detergents inhibited_________________good
Diesel oil sulphur free________________excellent
Fuel oil sulphur free_________________excellent
Gas* natural, propane,
Lubricants mineral, acid free__________excellent
organic__________________________not recommended
Refrigerants chlorofluorocarbon________excellent
Soaps ___________________________good
P.S. Yeah, yeah, I know it's an old post, but there's so much wrong information out there that people can still stumble across that, for the beginners sake looking for answers, I feel it's necessary to correct the bullshit wherever you find it ;?D