honey oil

What part of Rosin don't you understand??? That is a legal way to make oil, that's how you explain it. I've seen rosin with almost every texture and consistency, the only way a cop could tell the difference is possible with a lab test.

Personally, I've never had it, although I have seen videos of how to make it...

I understand rosin to be like a very pure hash, it's hard and although it melts, you generally don't carry it around in a small glass 5 gram vial. (to my knowledge)

No worries, I don't expect to attract any attention so hopefully this won't ever be an issue... I just figured there must be some option for making liquid green oil (which is what I end up with) legally.
Personally, I've never had it, although I have seen videos of how to make it...

I understand rosin to be like a very pure hash, it's hard and although it melts, you generally don't carry it around in a small glass 5 gram vial. (to my knowledge)

No worries, I don't expect to attract any attention so hopefully this won't ever be an issue... I just figured there must be some option for making liquid green oil (which is what I end up with) legally.

hey bro saybe top trying to figure out why you shouldn't be using rosin and should be using something illegal, and explosive

get on the rosin thing..done well its tasty ,safe ,good stufff
Let me say this again....

I'm not looking for new ways to make oil
I'm not looking for excuses if I get caught
I'm not looking for something to replace the oil I make
I'm not looking to change the way I make my oil
I'm not looking for reasons to NOT use rosin

I am asking IF there is a legal method to make oil... not rosin, not paint, not molasses... The govt made it illegal to use organic solvents, which I understand covers everything currently in use by your average (very) basic small batch home oil maker...

Thanks for all the answers, but I'll let the thread go back to the original discussion... sorry for the hijack...
can use butter but ya cant smoke it.
even closed loops are illegal..
they made it illegal so people would buy poison shit from LP's HINT HINT
..if they sell pure unadulterated oil....which they don't. ........ fill one of theirs .:spew:..what ever they fill.. with your own.
I'm not looking for new ways to make oil.......

I am asking IF there is a legal method to make oil...

Ok man, you clearly are just confused about what you want and are asking. Because you've been given the answer and you obviously are just refusing to hear what people are saying.

ROSIN IS OIL, just because you made it a different way doesn't make it not oil. If you want running goopy oil then heat the rosin past the decarb point it will stay runny and gooy.

Personally, I've never had it, although I have seen videos of how to make it...

I understand rosin to be like a very pure hash, it's hard and although it melts................. I just figured there must be some option for making liquid green oil (which is what I end up with) legally.

You must not have watched many videos, because rosin comes in all sorts of textures, depending on the material used and the temps and pressures.

Why in the world would you want to figure out how to make "liquid green oil", that flat out sounds like low quality shit.
I GET IT not wanting to change. I use baby food jars myself..not fivers :lol:
...but the DIY post was exactly that...
I know I have saved in the amount of IPA over the last two years.
I only wash the pucks once, when I have many and just to get the last gram out of them.
I ingest a gram of rosin/oil a day easy....I purge my wash in a vac as well but
I know the rosin is much cleaner....(:
by the way the last picture is a last wash/ oil...not rosin
Ok man, you clearly are just confused about what you want and are asking. Because you've been given the answer and you obviously are just refusing to hear what people are saying.

ROSIN IS OIL, just because you made it a different way doesn't make it not oil. If you want running goopy oil then heat the rosin past the decarb point it will stay runny and gooy.


You must not have watched many videos, because rosin comes in all sorts of textures, depending on the material used and the temps and pressures.

Why in the world would you want to figure out how to make "liquid green oil", that flat out sounds like low quality shit.

If Rosin is oil, then is Shatter oil? I'm old school, never had either...

Please quote me where I said I wanted to figure out how to make green oil... I already know how, and I'm not looking to change anything... I simply asked if there were any other solvents that could be used by someone making small batches of oil. I make oil about a gram or two at a time from leaves and trim, so just throwing the shake in a mason jar and covering it with solvent is how I do it, not looking to change...

Well, I suppose we can't all be Cannabis Godz and have access to only the best... I'm pretty happy with my oil thanks,shitty as it may be to you...
If Rosin is oil, then is Shatter oil? I'm old school, never had either...

Please quote me where I said I wanted to figure out how to make green oil... I already know how, and I'm not looking to change anything... I simply asked if there were any other solvents that could be used by someone making small batches of oil. I make oil about a gram or two at a time from leaves and trim, so just throwing the shake in a mason jar and covering it with solvent is how I do it, not looking to change...

Well, I suppose we can't all be Cannabis Godz and have access to only the best... I'm pretty happy with my oil thanks,shitty as it may be to you...
shatter is oil made from butane....and purged over days in a overvac....it is essentially oil.
Rosin is oil squished from the plant. No solvent being used. You get the same amount from first wash as you do from squishing rosin in a press...and its cleaner...its for meds after all.
nothing to do with the best..Take a look at my HOme made rosin press...
Its about staying alive for some..not getting high ...
shatter is oil made from butane....and purged over days in a overvac....it is essentially oil.
Rosin is oil squished from the plant. No solvent being used. You get the same amount from first wash as you do from squishing rosin in a press...and its cleaner...its for meds after all.
nothing to do with the best..Take a look at my HOme made rosin press...
Its about staying alive...not getting frigging high ...

Interesting... this is not your grand-daddies oil... :) I've only seen rosin pressed from buds... and it's true, I haven't spent days and days watching videos, just enough I thought I had a clue, but I guess not :)

Anyhow, perhaps some day I'll get to try pressing some rosin... I can imagine how good it is, my first wash oil is pretty amazing in my book and I know rosin is purer...
yes but how do you purge the solvent from your wash ?(:

Evaporation... I put a coffee filter over the top of the jar, a rubber band to hold it, and let it drain into a pyrex dish... once drained, I put the dish in front of a fan usually, and leave it overnight. Next morning, its pretty well just water it pulled from the air so I use my heat gun to evap enough till ALL the oil is clinging to the glass, then dump the remaining bit of water, rinse it with fresh water, and dry it again with the heat gun, and start scraping and smoking... my favorite way is on some ashes in a bong......

I do small batches, like I said, usually a gram or two. I collect all the leaves that I trim off growing plants, all the leaves when I harvest a plant, and all the trim from the buds... when I have enough, I grind it up in the blender when it's dry... I do this when I'll have enough to fill a mason jar half to 3/4 of the way. I'll do 2 washes keeping the oil separate... first one to smoke, second for brownies, I just leave it in the pyrex and add butter, and the rest of the ingredients :)
Interesting... this is not your grand-daddies oil... :) I've only seen rosin pressed from buds... and it's true, I haven't spent days and days watching videos, just enough I thought I had a clue, but I guess not :)

Anyhow, perhaps some day I'll get to try pressing some rosin... I can imagine how good it is, my first wash oil is pretty amazing in my book and I know rosin is purer...

Rosin is not purer then solvent oils. It's just a different way of making oil without using solvent.....which I thought is what your question always was....

Shatter is oil that has taken on a hard crystaline texture.

I don't make rosin either man. I make 1-3 gram batches of qwiso myself. The first 2 washes are golden/amber and delicious with terps and all. Really the only reason to be smoking "green oil" is because you haven't improved your technique with time. I actually did quote you saying you had "liquid green oil".

There is a tutorial in my sig line for the method I use to get golden qwiso.

Look man I'm not trying to be a dick or fight about anything. You asked a question and we are trying to help educate you on the topic you asked about.
Look man I'm not trying to be a dick or fight about anything. You asked a question and we are trying to help educate you on the topic you asked about.

Me neither, I guess I just didn't ask it right to start with... but in the end, I got the answer L)
Interesting... this is not your grand-daddies oil... :) I've only seen rosin pressed from buds... and it's true, I haven't spent days and days watching videos, just enough I thought I had a clue, but I guess not :)

Anyhow, perhaps some day I'll get to try pressing some rosin... I can imagine how good it is, my first wash oil is pretty amazing in my book and I know rosin is purer...

but you are willing to spend days refuting stuff here you say you don't knw about

no one is saying rosin is purer..i thought you don't know about this stuff now you are teaching?

1. no everyting except rosin and veg oil extracts are illegal..got it?