Hooka water


Well-Known Member
hooka water can you get fucked up off of it?? drink it ??? or wat my water in my hooka is dark brown got shit floating around in it (BUD) i have draink bong water tasted shitey


Active Member
I haven t heard of anyone drinking it, but you could try drinking it and let me know what happens, its gonna taste pretty terrible


Well-Known Member
:( hates drinkin ne water lol i like koolaid better or orange soda lol i doono i get a screen and filter all the bud and shit out 1st

Guerilla Grower

Active Member
PLEASE dont drink THC has a very low solubility in water you wont get fucked up..you will just have to deal with a shitty taste in your mouth

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
to do what? what would boiling bong water do? make it hot? use your brain!

theres only one purpose for that water, to be going down the drain.
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Well-Known Member
it cant be done, your prob a new smoker, who did the right thing and asked the vets first ;)


Well-Known Member
it will work but you have to drink it all man. CHUG IT!! as has been mentioned before, thc has very low solubility in room temperature water, but there is still some so if you've used the water for a long time there can be enough in there to get you pretty fucked up. boiling it will cause the water to steam off and leave all the good stuff like THC

seriously tho......hookah/bong water is mostly tar and harmful chemicals.....almost no THC...toss that shit down the drain
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New Member
i am just a puppet for a test that is run by duke or possibly nc state.
well I guess that makes two of us:wink:

and dont drink the bong water, its not good for anything that breathes. In fact the only thing itll do to you is make you throw up.