hookah question??


Well-Known Member
You can look all over the internet and find "credible sources" that support both sides. Soe say every bowl is like a pack of cigarettes because of home deeply you inhale and others will argue that the water filters out alot of the tar and tat hookah tobacco is much less "processed" much less than cigarette tobacco.

Who knows? I dont :joint:


Active Member
its not bad for you as long as you dont do it all the time....once in a while with your buddies wont kill you


Smoke in general is bad for you, doesn't matter what causes it.
True that. Least u wont be smoking the hay and shit that's put in most hash around europe.

I know that was brought up totally unprovoked.


Active Member
yea well if it is bad im prolly killin myself i smoke hookah a lot i have it sitting beside my bed so i can have a night time bowl basically everyday


Well-Known Member
Best to die having fun then live to be bitter and hate-filled!

Hookah question: those of you who smoke hookah, do you smoke in your room? I try to pick flavors that will leave my room smelling awesome. Tonight I'm smoking spearmint and I love the way my room smells the next day. No one would guess that I had been smoking in my room the night before!


Active Member
Well we all know that fresh air is good for you and inhaling chemicals are bad. I dont know what exactly is contained within your hashish, however i do have a strong feeling that on the grand scale of things your hookah intake will be better for you health wise over just straight store bought cigs with all the extra chemicals associated with them.

My friend has a hookah but he doesn't take great care of it and as a result the metal tube that goes into the water has began to form rust. Rust is bad for you. Dont continue to hookah with a rusty down tube.



Active Member
haha yea dont smoke rust haha and yea i always smoke hookah in my room but it doesnt really leave a smell behind thats why i like it


New Member
Rust is good for you.

It is almost as good for you as drinking bong water is bad.

Iron oxide is the soul of hemoglobin.

Hippie Tip:

Tetanus is a bug that lives in the soil on the scales of rusty nails and everything else.

Just like every other living thing, tetanus bugs do not auto-spawn spontaneously from a critical mass of Iron Oxide

nor do they thrive especially well in deathly toxic drug mixture known as bong water.
Hookah is definitely not as bad on your lungs/body as regular cigarettes with all the added chemicals. Plus hookah tastes great and cigs taste like rank sweaty sack. Hookah is not good for you...but its really not all that bad either IMO.