hooking up multiple lights


Active Member
i have a 16x16 room and i wanted to put 4 1000watt lights in it and have them all on the same timer,,,,how do i do this and what will i need to get?
any help appreciated


General Anesthetic

Well-Known Member
Buy a Power Strip/Surge Protector(the ones typically used for computers). Attach it to a heavy-duty timer. Then plug the HID's into the Power Strip.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt run 4 1000' off your normal socket, i run 4 and had my buddy that is a electritian make 4 seperate heavy duty plugs one for each 1000 watt hps, i have 2 fans on each on both 1000watt aircooled light, i might off over did it but im not stressed about it being to much power,its not worth burning your pad down


Active Member
If your using existing outlets they are probably on a 15amp circut at best 20amp. Your 1000's at 120v will need 10amps each, you would need 4 seperate 15amp circuts. The least you could go with and run other stuff like pumps and fans would be to run a circut like you would for a dryer. Use a 240v 30amp breaker with 10-3 wire, you would also have the option of 240 or 120 ballasts. Chances are with you current setup you could only run one light.


Active Member
about that 240v 30amp? i need 240v 50 amp i have the sub-panel just need tips onwiring the 50 amp breaker and to a outlet then was going to run 50' of ? wire extention cord from new 240 50 out let to new sub-panel for 8 lights please give help on installation of new breaker to outlet


Active Member
So your ballasts are 1000watts setup for 240v? if your starting at your main breaker and going 50' I believe you need 6-3 wire but best to confirm this, there are charts on other internet sites. Thats some serious power and 50amps will be close to it's safe limit, nothing else should be run off the circut. You will have to research different timers etc. to make sure everything can handle those amps. What your doing should be really thought out, you need someone who knows their shit. I'm not that someone.


Active Member
green air products and C.A.P inc makes a sub-panel with a timer trigger for 8 lights on a 50 amp with 2 /10 amp plugs on there too. its pretty cool just about 400.00us and pissing me off that i have to put a new breaker in and run cable . i looked it up and for 240v 3#4+1#8 cable and 50'(about another 200.00) is the voltage drop off point. i need to open the panel. God today i will lose a finger i know it i dont like electricity or should i say over respect it. i know i am not going to listen to the home depot guys i will be dead.


Active Member
and sorry my ballest are 120/240 Xtrasun switchable . Even cooler is the plug set it came with was universal.


Active Member
hey busakiller i looked up a timer for you C.A.P inc (You can get them through bgws.com makes a 240v 30 amp sub-panel for 4 1000w lights with trigger timer have fun doing the same thing i am new breaker/ expensive cable/ expensive sub-panel


Well-Known Member
green air products and C.A.P inc makes a sub-panel with a timer trigger for 8 lights on a 50 amp with 2 /10 amp plugs on there too. its pretty cool just about 400.00us and pissing me off that i have to put a new breaker in and run cable . i looked it up and for 240v 3#4+1#8 cable and 50'(about another 200.00) is the voltage drop off point. i need to open the panel. God today i will lose a finger i know it i dont like electricity or should i say over respect it. i know i am not going to listen to the home depot guys i will be dead.
Just chill & think sensibly,dont be in a rush either,im not an electrician by trade but ive been wiring my own shit for decades,it really is simple as pie,open your panel before you do anything or buy anything,this will tell you if you can add breakers to the existing panel,if you have open spots then take a few pictures if needed then go to a real electrical supply store & show them what you have & tell them the service you want,they will give you the right shit.

If your green with electrical work dont rely on info from idiots at the home depot,most those guys dont even know where shits at in the store or are too busy popping zits on their teenage faces to learn anything.