Hope im doing this right????!

Hello everyone i currently have 12 plants in my 3' by 5' tent under a total of 800 w mh and 360 w hps along with some cfls to help with lumen dispersement. I have a few different strains i started with so i can pick which one works best with my setup. The strains are nl crossed with skunk 11 bubble bud sweet god bud power bud and skunk 1. My temps stay at 78 and i am running 24/0 right now. I plan to flower in about a week. I have tied down some of the girls that were getting to tall to try and even out my canopy and they adjusted nicely. Do i cut the lst " strings" before i flower? My main stocks all look to be nice and thick hope thats a good thing? My nl main stock is as thick as my thumb almost. As far as nutes i have been using the Lucas formula with AN bloom and micro. I haven't stayed on a schedule i just give them nutes when they look hungry to me other then that just water. I did have what i believed to be a ph problem because i was a noob and didn't know that the nutes drastically lower my ph over time. Well im looking for any tips things i'm doing wrong or if they look great id love to know I'm doing this all corectly? Thanks in advance and if i get some good feedback ill keep you guys posted on how they do. I think they look ok for a jerry rigged setup but thats what you all are here for is to give me the realty lol happy growning! Ps: i added a couple of pics from the plant i believe to have a ph problem its ph was at six or below gota love ph test strips .... Not lol



Active Member
1st-- you will HAVE to flower early- or they will outgrow their space-- you usually need at least 2sq ft per plant minimum.... If too crowded- they won't get enough light or airflow..

2nd- doing several strains at once when new to growing is never a great idea-- but you did do the right thing by tying the tall ones so the canopy gets even lighting.... leave them that way until week 3 of 12/12- by then they will all have stopped the fastest part of the stretching that occurs in early bloom...

3rd- those are looking overfed hun... flush them, then stick to a good feeding schedule-- 1x a week for almost all nutes- but if all organic, some call for 2x a week. flood them when you feed- you want drainage (run-off) at least a bit so you know all the soil is saturated. Then water when the top 2 inches of soil has dried and the planter feels light.. again, saturate it. You can use carbs and supplements with your water.

Make sure the 'schedule' you follow is a week-to-week chart, not just the bottle instructions! mixing brands can lead to doubling-up on some nutes- or not having the right balance... read up on the plants needs and compare to what the analysis of your nutes are-- and if the chart that goes to your brand of nutes lists 3 products, be sure you do use all 3- they are made to work together! ;) Good Luck! Have fun!
Thanks for the reply! When i move into flower i will be putting them in the middle of a room that is 10'by 8' and i plan to square them into the center of the room approx 5' by 5' and they will be under 2400 w hps/mh 50/50 so that i can move them apart if i need to i also have t5s and cfls that i will use if needed. You mentioned they look overfed is there a way of telling if they are over or under fed? Is there any major cons that come from overfeeding? I will definitely have to check out a feeding chart. Any tips on advanced nutes grow bloom micro i have been feeding them approx twice a week 8ml micro 16ml bloom per gallon and i give them each about 3/4 a gallon then i wait two days and just do plain water. Thanks so much for the advice! Do they look somewhat healthy or do i need to be super concerned and flush them all asap?


Active Member
Cons to over feeding is that the leaves burn and the plant gets stunted or dies from the nutrients getting "locked-up"... it often appears as a multiple nutrient deficiency... only way to tell for certain is to know exactly what you are using (every product) in what amounts, in how much water and how much solution per plant...

when under fed, many of the same traits are present ...that's what makes it such a pain in the ass to figure out!

I see a cal/mag issue and what appears to also be a P-K problem (minor) that's the only reason I'm thinking over-fed... otherwise, I'd say to just dose them with some Cal mag... then stick to a good feeding schedule.

IMO- flush then dose with CalMag- then find a good feeding chart for your nutes... feed 1x a week only.... water as needed...
usually the company that makes your nutes will have the chart you need on their website!

Don't add or omit anything--- and it should be fine!

Good Luck kiddo! ;)
Thanks so much for the explination it realy helps me to actually ubderstand the concepts and not just have to rely on the web/advice! I like to actually understand my plants i will have to check into cal/mag. Once again i appreciate the advice and explination.
I decided to turn of my mh and hps bulbs and leave my cfls on for a couple hours because i wanted to do a foliar spray to raise my humidity and the leaves seemed a little dry. Hope this helps them ohh yeah i took a couple pics with the lights off ill post as well. Ps: one ? I did think of is can you have to much 'wind' i have a oscilating fan my ac unit and two six in fans one is used for exahust and the other is cliped to my diy light hood to cool my bulbs down.

