Hoping light is ok.

Fluffy Butt

Well-Known Member
You may be slightly underpowered, but it should work well enough. The lm561c is an older diode, so I hope the price was right.


Well-Known Member
Looks like it will suffice 630w/25sq ft is 26 w / sq foot

ideally you want 30w/sq ft

I personally would add 100 watts of more light then add some red and blue supplements in there


Well-Known Member
Be careful if this is your first time with LEDs

you can easily give the plants too much light when they’re young and need to add extra cal-mag than normal

Barristan Whitebeard

Well-Known Member
Is your light dimmed some right now?
Do you have a way to check your lights's wattage output at various dimming levels? Also a lux meter will be your friend if you haven't met yet.

Also what is your room/tent temperature and humidity? Are you fighting hot temps?


Active Member
Is your light dimmed some right now?
Do you have a way to check your lights's wattage output at various dimming levels? Also a lux meter will be your friend if you haven't met yet.

Also what is your room/tent temperature and humidity? Are you fighting hot temps?
Temperature 24/28, humidity 55/65, lux30000 at 18inches 80% power, 5x5 tent,carbon filter.