Hopsnmalt's 2011 Grow


Active Member
The weather is finally cooperating....
Only managed one pic before my phone self destructed. Luckily I had already emailed it to myself.

Power africa 6.14.11.jpg
This is the first plant planted, a Durban/Skunk, doing well. I wish all of them were as bushy as these 2....
The trunk is as big as a 'D' battery already. Gave them their 2nd dose of manure/compost tea Sunday.
More pics soon, got a sweet phone/camera....maybe a video over the weekend.

Peace all,



Active Member
Hops so that kelp is working good looking bush. Keepem green dirrtyd
Yeah Dirrtyd, I think it is. I also added some liquid kelp to the tea brew last weekend. Depending on how they look, I might do the tea again this weekend.




Active Member
Weekend update!
Things are moving along nicely

Blue widow 1 is now 74"
Bw2 6.19.jpg
Blue widow 2 HAS revegged, just starting though. better than nothing, I didn't think it even would, I'll take it.
BW 1 Reveg.jpg

Th UK Cheese is revegging with a vengeance!
Cheese vegging out.jpg

GDP also putting some growth on. No more club clones for me, I'll grow from seed or acclimate them myself.
GDP 6.19.jpg
The Durbans on the other hand are tearing it up.
Durban 1 6.19.jpg
Here's a DNA Kushberry, Stretching like a mofo. I'll top this one real early if I grow it next year.
Kushberry 1.jpg
And last but not least, the White Siberian. Just starting to look comfortable; I think I got the soil mix too light on this one, gonna be difficult to keep her wet when it gets really warm but I'll try.

Whit Siberian 6.19.jpg

I got a couple of videos, whats the best way to anonymously post them? Don't really want to link them to my youtube acct.

Have a great week everybody.



Active Member
Good Evening... uhh... Morning, all.
I'm not an overly techy dude, so that explains the hour I just spent editing this stupid video that will make me drag ass at work tomorrow.
Hope it was worth the effort.
I believe I'll take a tug and check out now.



Well-Known Member
What's up Hops-
Thought I would stop by and check things out. Glad I did, your grow is looking great!
Will you be in S.F. this weekend?


Active Member
What's up Hops-
Thought I would stop by and check things out. Glad I did, your grow is looking great!
Will you be in S.F. this weekend?
Man, I sure would like to be. I gotta get my irrigation finished Saturday. My wife is not enjoying watering for me by hand while I'm working out of town. My now nineteen girls are in three different locations... a lot of hose draggin'.

Thanks for the good words,



Active Member
Looks like I get a couple of days off to work with the ladies this weekend.

I'll give em a shot of BT ( saw a bit of insect damage on one of the Blue widows on Sunday)
Another round of Compost tea, heavy on the guano, blood meal and liquid kelp this time
Finish the irrigation hookups
Scrog 1 Kandy Kush and 1 purple kush.... better late than never I hope.
Mulch all of them with shredded straw and pine needles.

Should be a full weekend and the weathers looking perfect in my locale...:)

Enjoy your weekend people,



Active Member
Well, best laid plans....
I did get the tea made and applied and a couple of screens installed over the Kandykush1 and POG4. No mulching though. I have a couple of moles (they are out of control this year like I've never seen) in the lower garden, gotta get them dead before I mulch or They will have their way with me for the rest of the season (like in pulp fiction in the back room with Marcellus Wallace)
Also have a couple of the White Siberians that are less than lush, so gave them an extra helping of seabird guano and blood meal worked into the top inch or three. I'll update on the effectiveness of it in 5 or 6 days. Anyone grow AK47 crosses outside? Heavy feeders??
The most exciting part of this post:
Some might remember that I had an early hermie from feminized seed way back in early may, my biggest plant at the time. Resin seeds Yumbolt. I emailed them a few times, they promised to make it right and they sure did; I received in the mail today - 8 Feminized Bubblicious and 4 feminized Z7 which I think is a cross of their Cannatonic and a Mr. Nice Afghani. Should be a Nuclear Couchlock - not my bag but a lot like it that way. Can't wait to grow them both next year. Sure feels good to have someone do the right thing every once in a while.
I only purchased a 5 pack from them to begin with. :)

Here's a photo tease
10 inch leaf Durban.jpgDurban1 6.27.11.jpgPOG4 Screened 6.27.11.jpgKandyKush Screened 6.27.11.jpg

Enjoy the week,



Well-Known Member
I can see you now saying:

Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is The Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."
Just some cold sh*t I say to a motherf*cker just before I popped cap in his ass!"

Hops, Your plants are looking mighty green!



Well-Known Member
Heh, I guess you do like to make wine. Nice vineyard. Ever any problems with pests and diseases common to vineyards also affecting your pot plants?


Active Member
Heh, I guess you do like to make wine. Nice vineyard. Ever any problems with pests and diseases common to vineyards also affecting your pot plants?
I have plenty of these strange bugs on my Grapevines, and now on the girls. No detectable damage on either. They are funky looking things. I'll see if I can find a pic of them. Maybe someone knows more.



Active Member
Here's a pic of the bugs on the grapevines. Quite a few on the girls as well.
Buffalo Treehopper.
Doesn't seem they do much damage till August when they lay eggs in stems under bark. Still, better find a way to get them out of the patch....



Active Member
Another Update.
Things are going alright, with a couple of exceptions.
The larger durban didn't like the 1/2 " of rain last week, 3 very large branches lost.
Heartbreak 7.1.jpg

The GDP bush is putting on some strange leaves. Might be the norm as I haven't grown it before
GDP Foliage 7.1.jpg
But the plant looks nice. May be a mother to trim, though
GDP 7.1.jpg

The white siberians are getting going nicely now. They seem to be heavier feeders as I blasted them with a double dose of Seabird guano (12-12-2) about 8 days ago. What a difference, especially in color - they were a little pale.
White Sib 7.1.jpg
And a shot of the more mainstream "garden", beans in particular, that have been getting the same teas as the girls and are now on a tear.

Have a great week all,




Well-Known Member
Hey Hops-
Did that GDP start flowering, (maybe put out a bit early, or the cold weather till mid June) and is now re-vegging? My Mad Purps did this, but is now in full re-veg mode now that the weather is hot.
The garden is looking GREAT,....jj is a nut....too damn funny.....LMAO when I read that SH*T lol