Had a nice Chat with Gopedxr tonight, thanks for the call.
Here's a few pics of the secondary garden...the 'R&D' yard. Ha.
One of these friggin' Acapulcos just might be starting, I'll know in a week. Sure are pretty, though. Had to bend the big one over.

I took a cut from a friends Gods Gift and just threw it in the ground when I realized I didn't have a proper home for it and that is a 'clone only' strain. Too bad about that, It smells sooo good; I had a small amount of chocolope this spring that smelled like earthy sweet cocoa - the container it was in STILL smells like that. This GG smells that way already. Wish I could keep it going somehow.
This is what I picked off of it tonight.....Damnit.

Thanks for lookin' peeps.
I'll post some pics of the main grow on Sunday. Doin a SURPRISE 50th party for my wife this weekend, just 45 of our favorite people. Shhhh, keep it under wraps!
Here she is last weekend in the garden.

Have a great week ,
