Horsetail Tea PM is gone!


Well-Known Member
Sup Nerds,

Nugs here with a whole new appreciation and enthusiasm for my garden.....i was almost ready to throw in the towel with this fucking tenacious powdery mildew problem....i tried almost everything, Serenade, Green Cure, lemon juice, milk, baking soda, neem, Oxidate...i even started mixing neem and baking soda together....GC and neem etc. etc....i was just about to go Chem, and it was killing me.......then someone turned me on to a youtube vid of some farmers out east that were using Horsetail Tea to keep mildew off their i did some research, ordered some horsetail powder and got after it......a month later, and i am mildew free, and my plants are happier and healthier than they have been in months...., i know how to kill the fuck out of mildew with baking soda/neem and soap, but the pistils get fried big-time...not an issue if the weed is just going to be harvested as usual.....but i need to take glamour shots of my girls around week 7, and tattered looking buds with torched pistils just won't due...... if you want to completely stop PM 10 days before harvest, and give yourself and the plant time to finish without it going to shit....mix 2 Tablespoons of baking soda, 1 1/2 cap-fuls of Neem, and the same amount of liquid dishsoap in 1 gal. h20, and spray the fuck out of your plant....this will torch the pistils, but will give you at least 10 days of worry free, PM free time to finish proper....and after 10 days, there is no trace of the spray on the buds.....but forget about taking any really nice supple glamour shots.....she will however look just fine dried in the jar.....this Jillybean had PM really bad, and i had to treat it with the above recipe in order to save it....ten days after treatment, when harvesting there was not a trace of PM, and i was able to harvest a full 6 zips, nothing wasted.....was even able to use the trim for gravity and butter...


to be cont.
1 ounce powder in a quart of water or so, in a sauce pan....let it set in the fridge and steep cold..(most recipes i came across included this step) for about 4-8 hours....

Put on stove, and boil lightly for 20 minutes, after it cools (you can add some cold water) stir well to suspend solids while splitting the volume between two 1/2 gal. mason off jars with fresh water, and place in fridge for 12 hours to let the solids settle to the bottom (this fine powder is like silt, and the plants will not like to be coated with it, so it must come out)......

simply pour the clear liquid off the sediment into a clean mason jar, and top off....this is your spray-able tea at the right concentration......put it in a spray bottle, and add 10-20 drops liquid dish soap for a surfactant....if you have an active infection, spray your plants every 2 days....4-7 days as a preventative....i spray mine every 3...the plants love it, it does not fry the pistils, it is completely harmless, you can breathe it, swim in it, drink it...whatever......i love it almost as much as my plants do, and plan to use it as a major weapon heading forward........ the recipe breaks down as such.....1 ounce powder makes 1 gallon of ready to spray solution....easy to remember...

Nerds Unite!

Thanks Nugs, much appreciated! Think a French coffee press would work well to get rid of most of that fine-grained suspended sediment?
you can spray whenever, it is not phototoxic....but most who have had a run-in with PM know that a wet plant should never be left in the dark......common sense when it comes to mold/mildew....
that being said, i like to take them out of the room, and spray them, give them 10 minutes to drip dry then put them back under the lights and fans to completely dry off before lights usually spray an hour or so before lights out....but anytime as far as lights on is concerned.
Thank you nugs for this great piece of information. Im most certainly gonna have to do this. Ive never had a problem with PM until this last run. Temperature swings during my lights out period i think helped contribute to this. Now i shouldnt have a problem anymore.
had some problems with one of my best strains last grow and I am hoping by using this method it will not continue. horsetail powder came in today
Made up my tea this evening. Very easy to do BTW. Poured it all into a gal jar and will let sit until tomorrow and pour it off and store. Going to treat every 4-7 days as a preventative.
Might also drink a little bit from time to time. very good for the digestive system and helps keep bones nice and strong. Also can be used for minor cuts and burns.