Well-Known Member

HLG will light up your grow! We will offer 5 lights to growers here on Rollitup. We will have:
2 Diablo 650R, 1 600R, 1 Blackbird, and 1 Blackwing. Check them out on Horticultural Lighting Group's website. www.hlg.com
The rules are simple:
Open to USA only
recipients will be picked at random from posts in the introduction thread.
you'll have a 7 day window from the day I post the thread to enter.
potential recipients will need to have been an active member for at least 6 months, a minimum of 50 posts, and have at least one documented grow.
The grow and show ends Dec.10 2022 ( I changed it from Dec. 5 )
Post a comment in the entry thread. you will have one week to reply to the thread. entry is open to USA only.
I will select 5 people at random to receive a light. Upon receiving a light you will have until Dec.10 2022 to complete your grow.
You must post a thread for your grow. Indicate in the title what light you have.
You must post a minimum of once a week and include at least one picture each week. More is always welcome!
That's it!
I look forward to seeing all the fine bud you will grow!