Hortilux Ceramic HPS

The results were pretty good, thow. The plants under cmh 600 had more color to them. I grew 5 panama red plants. 3 1000 watt hortilux hps. 1 600 watt hortilux ceramic high presure sodium.The plant under cmh 600, actully had red leafs.
sorry not cmh. ceramic high presure sodium.

So, will you replace HPS by Ceramic HPS?
I ran three of these (chps) in a room with three hps for a year. I have not been impressed. The hps out preforms in both weight and quality.
I think the way you are supposed to use these is maybe one for every four other bulbs and held up high to spread it out. The huge amount of red is like the few red leds on most panels and there aren’t usually very manyof them compared to the white.
These are not a replacement for hps.
I just bought the ballast bulb combo. Replaced my MH to CHPS to get ready for flower and turned on. I have waited 2 hours now and all I see is orange light. No white light. Is that normal?