hot chocolate


Active Member
I am making hot chocolate right now and i thought i would share what im trying then report on how it turns out

anyways here is whats going on:

-i started with getting some whole organic milk (half gallon)

-then i took 16 grams of trimmings (sugar leaves , hairs , very small stems and barely any at all, and trichomes) from chocolope plant

-i am making one cup for 4 people so 4 cups total

-im using Nestle rich milk chocolate hot chocolate packets (4)

-anyways we put 24oz of whole milk in a covered pot on stove ,pretty low heat

-preheat the oven to 220f

-let it heat until it boils then let it go for about 15 mins or so after

-put it into oven for 17mins then take it out and let cool for about 3 mins

-strain with permanent coffee filter from walmart 5$ into anouther metal bowl

-scrape scraps out of pan and pour milk back in w/o plant matter ...

-get to a boil and add packets and stir in well

-decided to add about a 1/2cup of nestle chocolate (for chocolate milk)

-added around 3/4 tbs of chocolate fudge topping

ended up getting just over 6 oz of hotchocolate liquid so added a little 2% milk to each cup (myself 8 ozs(lil too much in my opinion but it happened fast cooled it too much)

strong taste but not bad definately can taste the trimmings if u let ur mind wander a little it taste like hot chocolate w/mint

drinking it now will update with results if i can stay awake i have school in the morning
okay so 4/4 people felt the hotchocolate working

myself i felt pretty good definately not as strong as cookies or other edibles ive made
(i think it is because i could have cooked the milk longer to extract more of the goodies)

i am pretty satisfied though, i felt relaxed my eyes got red as fuck and it moderately helped with my back pain

also im thinking i still felt it a little this morning when i was waking up around 7 ( drank it at like 11 30 last night so about 7 1/2 hrs)

felt a good body buzz and a little altering in my head (not much/if any psychadelic affects)

stomache didnt get irritated

the taste was not bad at all

and i hate the taste of alot of cannatreats but i could definately handle this taste and was borderline actually liking it

i plan on trying it again in the future and i will try to cook the milk longer to see if i can get a stronger result

also when i talk to the others i will post how they felt about the hot chocolate.
I make a simple hot chocolate with milk, nestle hot coco mix and then just stir in 1tsp of cannabutter.... Will make the average smoker weak in the knees and wobbly.
I make a simple hot chocolate with milk, nestle hot coco mix and then just stir in 1tsp of cannabutter.... Will make the average smoker weak in the knees and wobbly.

i was going to do that but i hate the taste of cannabutter but i guess i could have masked it with the chocolate flavor anyways
You cannot taste the cannabutter in the hot chocolate. I like mine extra rich so I use 2 packets of coco mix
You cannot taste the cannabutter in the hot chocolate. I like mine extra rich so I use 2 packets of coco mix
cool ill have to try it i have a little bit of butter left from a while ago,

i was very suprised at how little i could taste it the way i cooked because the milk smelt just like the butter i make

do you or anyone happen to know if milk cannot absorb as much as say butter because it is less fatty??

i was kinda worried about that when i was making it
I have infused milk before, I make it just like I make my butter. I used whole milk and was strong. I also infuse evaporated milk that I use in my baking
evaporated milk sounds like a trip

im thinking i should have cooked mine longer then

I just put my butter (or milk), water, and trim in my 30 year old crock pot and just let it simmer on low for 12 hours, stirring 2 or 3 times during that time. Some do longer and some do shorter but in my experience 12hrs has had no real difference than 24hrs.

You want a real trip for medibles? Check out my other snack ;)
I just put my butter (or milk), water, and trim in my 30 year old crock pot and just let it simmer on low for 12 hours, stirring 2 or 3 times during that time. Some do longer and some do shorter but in my experience 12hrs has had no real difference than 24hrs.

You want a real trip for medibles? Check out my other snack ;)

those crispies sound pretty intense ha

im one of those 24-36 hr people just because thats what ive been doing since i started a few years ago and it has worked well for me every time so far

even daringly put it on medium heat a couple times and didnt burn or evap anything more then normal as far as i noticed

going to make hot chocolate again going to cook in crockpot first though

30 oz of whole milk to 15 grams of trimming (sugar leaves hairs and trichomes not many stems at all)

cooking overnight in croc til morning. will post results again and compare with previous method
I put a tsp. of canna coconut oil in a cup of hot chocolate. It was not quite strong enough, but tasted excellent.
i believe that the 2nd try worked better then the first try did didnt get to try any myself but thats what others said,

i would like to make canna coconut oil in fact i bought some coconut oil the other day but havent gotten to trying it yet