So youve used meds that you treated with these? Say I left one in my room for about a mont at the beginning of flower.... it had already ben out of its package and in use in my cars trunk for like a year haha.... Also, the whole time it was in there my ventilation sys was going, and its in my sleeping area, and its not like im dying (not that I know of anyway hah)
You'd trust this med even without a water cure? Im thinking of the water cure anyway, cause its quick hah
also, just looked this up..
its from the 60's but still
Level causing no toxicological effect
Man : 0.033 mg/kg/day
Estimate of acceptable daily intake for man
0 - 0.004 mg/kg body-weight.
Pre-harvest treatments
Because of its very short persistence and lack of systemic action, the
use of dichlorvos on growing crops is limited and somewhat
specialized. Its most common pre-harvest use is for the control of
aphids, red spider mite (Tetranychus telarius), white fly
(Trialeurodes vaporariorum), leaf miners, and other pests of crops
growing in greenhouses; and for the control of mushroom flies in
mushroom houses. The crops and uses for which dichlorvos has been
registered or approved in various countries are as follows :
Cotton, date palms Iraq
Deciduous trees Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Great
Britain, Hungary, Italy,
Netherlands, Switzerland
Greenhouses Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Great
Britain, Hungary, Switzerland
Horticulture Austria, Great Britain
Mushroom houses Great Britain, Hungary,
Netherlands, United States
Ornamentals Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland
Vegetables Austria, Great Britain,
Netherlands, Switzerland
General use Austria, Ceylon, Chile, India,
Japan, Mexico, Pakistan, Venezuela
Dairy and meat United States
Dichlorvos has been approved in the United Stated for direct
application to livestock, including lactating animals. It has also
been approved to control flies, fleas, and mites in animal barns,
piggeries, and chicken houses. In the United Kingdom it can be used in
pig and poultry houses for ectoparasite control.
Post-harvest treatments
To date, the use of dichlorvos on food as post-harvest treatments has
been largely experimental. However, the results have been so promising
that it may find extensive use for protecting raw and processed
agricultural products. Uses of dichlorvos investigated are as a direct
spray or dust treatment to grain; as aerosol or impregnated-resin
strips applied in the overhead space of storage bins for the control
of insects infesting grains; and as sprays, vapors, fogs, aerosols,
and impregnated-resin strips for controlling insects in facilities
where foods are stored, handled, processed, transported, and marketed.