Active Member
what if you got neem on the bud sites?
perhaps we should just ask them quietly to move on. the ebay shop i got mine from is for equestrian supplies if the strip don't kill a horse i'm sure ill be ok.
grow a pair
man i was wondering about where to hang the thing too iu ended up putting it underneath where the pots are i was working on the principle hot air rises?!?!
anyone know definitively where i should be putting the strip?
i use one.i swear by it. i tried lady bugs, no good...i tried pyrythins, i tried dr. doom, i used soft soaps, i used pounds of c-o 2, for over a year i have fought these fuckers and spent a good sum of money and an even greater ammount of labor on my battle with the borg,first i will say my grow is detached from my house, i only visit my grow during fans on time.i only used the strip for 1 week, killed the borg, eggs n all, and then put it back in a baggie. if i ever see another mite i will bust out the lil majic baggie and zap em again.i have a perp. grow so thats why its been such a battle with them.any ways thats my dealings with nps and the borg. i dont sell or grow for anybody so what i grow and how i grow em is pretty much between me, god, and a few bros who i share my skills with .i personally dont see what all the fuss is expecially if they dont grow or sell to or for other folks. i give it 2 thumbs up for a quick kill , now,....if someone can show me a 3 eyed what ever as a result of a nps, then i say give it a go. but maybe only if your healthy, i personally shot dope for over 20 years ( aint done it in 22 years, yea im an old fart) but my point is i never gave those ingredients much thought either, so maybe im just talkin to x junkies....but if you have spent 100 's of $ on remedies as i have and they keep coming back....go buy 1 use it for 5 days with fans off, and kill those fuckers. this reply is for x junkies and healthy folks only. unless you can show proof of deformality, or death then please let those of us healthy enough to use it,..use it. after all....people have had these in there houses for years. just because it might make you sic (who ever) doesnt mean its not an effective way to rid the borg.just be aware that IT MAY make you sick. btw....im smoking a bowl right now and im still breathing...peace
Everything works temporarily...the problem is they get everywhere and even if you empty everything out and hose your room down make sure to clean everything back in and don't forget to take things apart like you ballasts and cleaning them as well...Your light fixtures are full of them...Anyway. I've tried everything under the sun, bombs, neem oil, reg, dish soap, organic sprays. Everything works for awhile but I'm going to give thes strips a shot as a last resort. Not sure if Hot shots are available in Canada since I can't find them anywhere but there's one by Vapona (changing names on packaging I think) which looks exactly the same and is made of the same ingredient (dichlorvos 19.2%). I was worried about using this stuff but apparently it all over food we consume so I can't see the harm.....If i didn't have my gro in my bedroom i'd give the NPS a shot. As it is, i bought lady bugs and they did a grt job of clearing out the mites. Though make sure u cover your exhaust with mesh. Cause if you don't you'll mulch some.