Hotter At Night


Active Member
So I wanna get a quick poll on this 'cause I've never really had this problem.
I use the light (1000w) to keep the room warm during the "daylight" period and then I have a heater come on during "dark" when the light is off, but if keeps it a little warmer.
It's about 72-73 with light on and about 77-78 during dark period..

Whadda you guys think?? anyone have experience with this before?


Well-Known Member
so you should be using the heater and the light during the day so temps are around 80, and then...

i don't kno what you should do about night but if you turn em both off how cold does it get? cause if it's like 60 that's cool, otherwise you should maybe put the heater right outside the door or something cause you need the temps to drop 10 degrees at least for the plant to understand day/night and get it's respiration right


Well-Known Member
So I wanna get a quick poll on this 'cause I've never really had this problem.
I use the light (1000w) to keep the room warm during the "daylight" period and then I have a heater come on during "dark" when the light is off, but if keeps it a little warmer.
It's about 72-73 with light on and about 77-78 during dark period..

Whadda you guys think?? anyone have experience with this before?
Are you just starting this grow? I started one about 3 weeks ago, and kinda sorta plan on the same thing to control temps. My light cycle (when on 12/12) is light from 6 am to 6 pm. I am able to open the windows now during the day and it gets about 80 deg. At night it stays the same right now, but it's about to start getting COLD. I am hoping the central heat will keep temps up at night. I am using 5 400w lights, 4 plants under each. It gets HOT if I don't watch it. Right now it's a balancing act, hopefully when it gets colder it'll be easier to keep the temp down.
I hear that nighttime (dark) temps need to be about 10-15 deg cooler than in the day. I don't know how much of a diff it makes, but I'm sure it does make a difference.


Well-Known Member
damn last pirate man you got some lights going for sure bro...i be them plants are soaking up that light.
as for oyur problem man jsut dont put the heater on at night and that should keep your temps good.if it gets to cold from your heater not beeing on see if oyu can turn it down.the hwole 10 to 15 degree difference shoot for 10 and oyu should be alright but no less than that. i think if oyu run the lights during the day and no heater or lights at night you should be a.ok. let me know what you do and how it turns out!


Active Member
Yea see the thing is that I live in a place that's really cold, the winter hits here a little quicker than anywhere else (it's already been snowing here for a week or so). Since the op is somewhat outdoors the temp reaches like 40's- 50's when the light isn't on. The heater can't be adjusted to warmer or colder, it's just a set space heater.
What I did was put the heater on a timer so that it turns on for a half hour and then off for a half hour, in steady intervals.. kept the dark temps at about 65 :lol:.. I'm trying to keep them even less than 10 degrees difference cause in my previous ops if I kept the dark and daylight temps pretty close, then The internodal space (space between one node and the next) was reaal short.. Thanks for the input guys.


Well-Known Member
Damn man you already have snow...i live in a shit area so i understand what you mean i didnt think it was somewhat outdoors though...but yeah man you nailed that shit on the head good job some pics up of oyur grow man thats some shit id like to see.


Well-Known Member
MDude, you think that there is a correlation between temp differential and internodal spacing? Interesting.....

I have several 3 week old plants right now, all from the same stock, and I can see at least 2 different phenotypes. One with an internodal spacing of an inch (or less) and one with about 2 inches spacing.
It's pretty amazing at the characteristics different phenos exhibit.