Hottest Pepper In The World "Naga Jolokia" (Grown in Hydro)


Well-Known Member
well this marks the end of my 1st week since starting to germinate. I've got 2 bhuts poking out and have prepared their second home. the metal shelf i built is still providing a perfect 88 degrees or so and i threw a 27w CFL over them.

after they all poke out of the rock wool i will transfer them to this -

the upside-down-half-bottle on the left is a funnel that i will use to fill it up, its pretty much going to be a small DWC system to get them to root. the black hoses are (2) 6in air stones keeping the water oxygnated. there are 12 locations for 1.5" rock wool cubes. the cube just gets pressed into the hole and holds by friction. i have to keep the water level high until they all root, and then will transfer to the NFT system.

plan on building the NFt system out of 3" PVC, i'm kind of worried the pipes will be a bit small and will clog up with roots, but i dont have anything better at my disposal. I'm contemplating switching to a drip system, still can't descide. any input?


Well-Known Member
not much of an update, but i hit the 10 day mark so why not.

so i got 3 plants standing with itty-bitty leaves and i can see 5 more emerging shortly, a total of 8 out of 12 germinated so far. im pretty happy with these results so far, and hoping to transplant them into my bubbler/rooting system this weekend.



Well-Known Member
I have them under a 27w CFL at the moment, i plan on putting them under some better lighting over the weekend. unfortunately there is never enough time in a week-day


Well-Known Member
yesterday i transplanted them all into my DWC (bubbler) system i am using to root the cubes. this is my first time doing hydroponics by the way, i did some lettuce in DWC, theres some Northern Lights and some G13 Haze going also in a DWC and now the Ghost Pepper. i started with DWC because it appears to be the easiest to maintain and use (less moving parts) but its using up a lot of nutrients. next will be a drip system i beleive. regardless heres they are.

picked up some mylar to experiment with, this stuff is awesome. what i did was cut a peice that i needed to wrap around, 4' x 2' and cut a peice of rebar tie wire 4' long, i used aluminum foil tape to tape the tie-wire along the top of the peice of mylar. now i bend the wire around the shape of the planter and the mylar follows and hold its shape.

theres 2 x 30ish watts (150w incandestant equivalent) CFLs inside aluminum reflectors shining down on these guys, i set the light to 18/6 but there is still quite a bit of ambient light during the night cycle, should i just go for 24/0 like my other plants, i will google this today?

so its bubbling away with some General Hydroponics BioRoot about 75% of a light dose. 8 of 12 are standing proud, will start building NFT system soon.
thanks ill keep them under 18/6 for now and work my way down to 12/12 slowely as i start to feed them.
Peppers are not photo period sensitive, which is why they grow fruit and flowers all summer long ;) You can keep them under 18/6 and when they are ready to start producing they will start! It all depends on plant maturity and the amount of available nutes.


Pickle Queen

The peppers i grew last summer are so hot that i accidently touched my eye after cutting one, i screamed so loud my boyfriend pulled off my shirt and threw me in the shower, my eye was swollen for a few days, afraid to eat them after the "incident " i dried them out and crushed them and will make em into a spice. Package said they were portugal peppers, but i also grew chilli peppers, not sure which hurt me.

But weird thing isa week ago i planted some pepper seeds and put them in my grow box, so far 5 sprouts have their first set of leaves, i should take a pic


Pickle Queen
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The peppers i grew last summer are so hot that i accidently touched my eye after cutting one, i screamed so loud my boyfriend pulled off my shirt and threw me in the shower, my eye was swollen for a few days, afraid to eat them after the "incident " i dried them out and crushed them and will make em into a spice. Package said they were portugal peppers, but i also grew chilli peppers, not sure which hurt me.

But weird thing isa week ago i planted some pepper seeds and put them in my grow box, so far 5 sprouts have their first set of leaves, i should take a pic
ok had to add this pic , they did turn bright red 100_3322.jpg
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The peppers i grew last summer are so hot that i accidently touched my eye after cutting one, i screamed so loud my boyfriend pulled off my shirt and threw me in the shower, my eye was swollen for a few days, afraid to eat them after the "incident " i dried them out and crushed them and will make em into a spice. Package said they were portugal peppers, but i also grew chilli peppers, not sure which hurt me.

But weird thing isa week ago i planted some pepper seeds and put them in my grow box, so far 5 sprouts have their first set of leaves, i should take a pic
It was probably those ones from Portugal ;)

I've got 6 Bolivian Ranbow peppers going from seed right now amidst my grow room,... they're all due for their first up potting into .5L pots :D I'm stoked, their mom almost died but the local hydro store has saved her and she's starting to fruit again! :D


Well-Known Member
i collected seeds from my ghost chilies this year, will they grow well, or am i better off buying new seeds? never saved any pepper seeds before.


Well-Known Member
the seeds are fine thats what i used to grow my sprouts. i just gutted a pepper and planted them. so i dont see why not. i do not have any more of them but i started growing

3x eggplants
3x cherry tomatoes
4x jolpenos < i never could spell good

I blame my dislexeia and growing up with spell check