Hours away from buying an aeroflo 2!!!!!!!


Active Member
So ok I'm In the process of getting this system
Aeroflo 2 60 Site Aeroponics System.just have a few concerns and questions
(1) can I veg/flower in this system?
(2) if so how tall can I veg before flowering?
The person selling me this suggested I only use it for veg.
Reason is because I told him I veg my plants to 4ft before flowering.seeing that the plants double in size if not triple he said it wouldn't be a good idea to flower because it can clog or smother the water jets.
Has anyone ever used this system and veg like me?
my concern is buying this system and not being able to flower in it.
Or is there some height restrictions with this system..
I know I can modify it but if thats the case I can try to build one but don't have the time or tools for that.
If anyone can help me that would be great thanks in advance..


Well-Known Member
wish i could help. I have a home made aero setup. in the first stage (small gallon container) i can grow 8 (in veg state) to about 10 inches before switching to the bigger 30 gallon totes... idk if that helps u much. :)


Active Member
wish i could help. I have a home made aero setup. in the first stage (small gallon container) i can grow 8 (in veg state) to about 10 inches before switching to the bigger 30 gallon totes... idk if that helps u much. :)
Anything helps brotha.
I'm just looking to see if it can be done.even if I don't veg that high cuz I heard hydro yields way more.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it yields more for sure. :)
check my grow thread out, i have only one growing atm but have 10 seeds germing as we speak and another 10 or so at a buddies house.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
you cant grow 4 footers in the aeroflow.
you can flower then after a few weeks in veg, but its more for SOG style rather than growing monsters

Hidden Dragon

Well-Known Member
Of course you can use it for veg and flower. Veg your clones to about 18 ", then flip into flower mode. Your finished plants will be 36 to 48 inches tall. About 2 weeks into flower, set up trellis netting to
keep your plants upright and manageable. I've been running 3 Aeroflo's for the last 4 years.