House and Garden changed?

ha! @Hessam ... definitely not over feeding... Been using this line for 5 years. Adjusting PPM's & PH every feed at about 30% of what they call for. This started happening when they moved facilities. BAD BATCH.. Top Shooter was crystalizing in the bottle = not right
Top Shooter was crystalizing in the bottle = not right

Have you ever accidentally left the lid of the bottle open? Top Shooter reacts with oxygen pretty fast. Never expose Top Shooter to air.

I bought some H&G nutes from their retailer in Switzerland about 4 months ago. I have not noticed any difference between batches. :confused: Maybe you're right. I don't know.
thanks for the help yall.... I've cut my ec to 1.6 & ppms around 750... they look like the ladies are bouncing back, but it seems like they're behind..
Have you ever accidentally left the lid of the bottle open? Top Shooter reacts with oxygen pretty fast..
It was like that when I opened a brand new bottle.