House Intelligence Committee calls for Grand Jury on Trump/Russia collusion


Well-Known Member
i'm hearing rumors along the lines of 'trump's business was basically just a russian money laundering front that dabbled in real estate on the side'.

well, that would explain the RICO cases. the FARA case is obvious enough.

he won't be able to settle this RICO case though.


Well-Known Member
i'd be surprised if he were not pecker deep in this. paul ryan too.

president orrin hatch?

From what I understand, Paul manafort brought in pence, if that tells you anything. I liked Spicer's response to a question about the Trump/Russia investigation, "if the president so much as uses Russian dressing on his salad, you guys make something out of it". Lmao. Is judge Ito retired?


Well-Known Member
prepare for grand juries and indictments.
Keeping my fingers crossed.

Talk about a massive discrediting of the 'conservative' movement in America!

Which leads me to wonder if there'd be a backlash and what that might look like?


Well-Known Member
You wouldn't know honest if it shook your hand and introduced itself. There would be too many conflicts with what you've been listening to.

RT, really? Admittedly its not as as bad as Brietbart but that doesn't make it a good news source.

Try NPR.
NPR lol........ Lol....... Thanks for letting me know where your "reliable" news comes from I literally spit out my drink.......


Well-Known Member
Yeah, news from an outlet that checks facts and has multiple sources vs Russian Times. Also is not beholden to advertisers.

You've been shagged. Putin and Trump, they use you as a whore.
LOL NPR Fact check..... Quite possibly the most far left network of them all... Yeah they fact check using CNN NBC and so on.....