house repubs say noooo?


New Member
Yes please, make the thread.

Let's move this virtual ass-kicking to a germane, thus non-hijacked, thread.

I think it is perfectly "germane" to this thread seeing how you feel you can say and do anything you want to any one who is not one of your repugnantCon friends (yuck) and dares to post in one of your threads or to stand up to your lies. Your lying in this thread and Iwont stand for it! I note how you cons post every maner of evil insults to any good person who dare to speak truth in one of your lie filled twisted con threads but you come to our threads and rage and lie to no end. And you bad rep anyone who dares to stands up to your lies but give +reps to your liar con friends for spreading hate and lies and for wanting to over throw our Goverment that makes you guys TERRORISTS REAL TERRORISTS who need to be reported to the FBI (Iam working on it i just need to copy a few more posts by devils like johnny) Iam talking about how the repugantCons have trashed the USA and the World because your all sick evil gready blood drenched devils come to do the work of your God Satan who will stop at nothing to get there power back but you never will oh evil devils!!. Your time is over and your all going to hell you just wait and see. I hope I might be able to help send some of you devils to prison first! Maybe they can send you guys to Cuba so you can hang will all the other terrorists. Who knows if we are lucky you might kill each other off and rid the world of your GREAT EVIL??!! I PRAY THAT IT MIGHT BE SO!! AND THAT YOUR FIRST JOHNNYO!! So the way I see it when a thing like johnny doing the work of satan gives me a -rep I see it like a badge of honor! So keep it coming johnnyo your KARMA is just going to get you all that much sooner!!!!!! Man there are a lot of subhuman devils on this web and this site who just love to f with Goodness but they are just f***ing them selfs!!! ( hmmm I guess they like it that way) Got to find the feds number I think for the good of the country someone needs to do something about the con TERRORISTS here before its to late!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I think it is perfectly "germane" to this thread seeing how you feel you can say and do anything you want to any one who is not one of your repugnantCon friends (yuck) and dares to post in one of your threads or to stand up to your lies. Your lying in this thread and Iwont stand for it! I note how you cons post every maner of evil insults to any good person who dare to speak truth in one of your lie filled twisted con threads but you come to our threads and rage and lie to no end. And you bad rep anyone who dares to stands up to your lies but give +reps to your liar con friends for spreading hate and lies and for wanting to over throw our Goverment that makes you guys TERRORISTS REAL TERRORISTS who need to be reported to the FBI (Iam working on it i just need to copy a few more posts by devils like johnny) Iam talking about how the repugantCons have trashed the USA and the World because your all sick evil gready blood drenched devils come to do the work of your God Satan who will stop at nothing to get there power back but you never will oh evil devils!!. Your time is over and your all going to hell you just wait and see. I hope I might be able to help send some of you devils to prison first! Maybe they can send you guys to Cuba so you can hang will all the other terrorists. Who knows if we are lucky you might kill each other off and rid the world of your GREAT EVIL??!! I PRAY THAT IT MIGHT BE SO!! AND THAT YOUR FIRST JOHNNYO!! So the way I see it when a thing like johnny doing the work of satan gives me a -rep I see it like a badge of honor! So keep it coming johnnyo your KARMA is just going to get you all that much sooner!!!!!! Man there are a lot of subhuman devils on this web and this site who just love to f with Goodness but they are just f***ing them selfs!!! ( hmmm I guess they like it that way) Got to find the feds number I think for the good of the country someone needs to do something about the con TERRORISTS here before its to late!!!!!!!
Please don't report me to the FBI! :-P

No new thread? Too bad. :sad:

So... I am lying in this thread and you won't stand for it?


Examples, please. Specific examples.


New Member
So you think the Gov needs to be overthrown. So how do you plain on doing it and give me lots of details that is if you are not a coward?! Lets see you live up to your convictions seeing how you hate our form of govermant and our President and every thing we stand for. What you got big talker? You bich and bich spewing lies as you bich so what ya going to do just cry? Or are you just to weak or dumb to know what to do? I hear lots of big talk from you and your butt buddys but is that all you babys do? Or are you men? If this gov is soooo bad how you going change it by biching and crying? Your losers remember ? You LOST!!! Your impotent get it? (your wife does) So how you plan on over throwing our governmant? Come on coward you talk big let us in on your BIG PLANS FOR THE TAKE OVER OF OUR COUNTRY? ( dont worry I wont hold my breath waiting for YOU to speak the truth asif you would know what truth was in the first place) You do know you guys are PATHETIC dont you?


Well-Known Member
So you think the Gov needs to be overthrown. So how do you plain on doing it and give me lots of details that is if you are not a coward?! Lets see you live up to your convictions seeing how you hate our form of govermant and our President and every thing we stand for. What you got big talker? You bich and bich spewing lies as you bich so what ya going to do just cry? Or are you just to weak or dumb to know what to do? I hear lots of big talk from you and your butt buddys but is that all you babys do? Or are you men? If this gov is soooo bad how you going change it by biching and crying? Your losers remember ? You LOST!!! Your impotent get it? (your wife does) So how you plan on over throwing our governmant? Come on coward you talk big let us in on your BIG PLANS FOR THE TAKE OVER OF OUR COUNTRY? ( dont worry I wont hold my breath waiting for YOU to speak the truth asif you would know what truth was in the first place) You do know you guys are PATHETIC dont you?

Are you serious? Sounds to me like YOUR the asshole in this. Making threats to put people in prison because they -rep you? you are a whiny cry baby merlin. Go take your devils and demons and terrorist talk somewhere else, I for one do not want to read your personal affronts to others in a thread. Either post something constructive or get the fuck out.

This is how you are perceived.


Well-Known Member
All this simply because I disapproved of a post or two.

Who would threaten to report someone to Federal law enforcement over ideological differences?

The same type of person who would report a neighbor to the police for growing cannabis.

F_SC_ST. Would you like to buy a vowel?

Seems very Totalitarian to me.

'Conform or it's the gulag for you, JohnnyO.' :o


New Member
Well getting rid oh hate filled treasonous terrorists called repugnantcons who want to over throught our Gov cus they lost and are loosers but cant get over it is very constructive. Becides if Iam going to carry around -reps for nothing I feel I need to earn them. And if you think what these aholes are saying about our gov and our leaders is ok your a Terrorist as well. Iam not kidding when I say all the cons here should be put away (in cuba) when the cons where in power if you said this crap about them you would have had your phones taped for the shit you say here and they would have come and taken you away. You guys are pure evil and I hope they see you guys as the domestic terrorists that you are. Now its a drag to let the feds know about our site but seeing the treasonous crap posted everyday in evey one of there threads by these sick evil devil REPUGNANTCONS I know there allready here. johnnyho I know your use to your repugnt ways of the last 8 years but you done gone down and you lost and are a loser you just think you can treat enyone here the way you treat any who speaks the TRUTH but your done looser! Why wont you post your plans for the over through of are gov big talker? Could it you thet all you cons just TALK BIG but realy your a bunch sniveling cowards and you all know it. Thats why you troll places like this its the only place you still have POWER but its fake power. I hope you and your boyfriend BUBBA wil be very happy in the pin!!



Well-Known Member
Well getting rid oh hate filled treasonous terrorists called repugnantcons who want to over throught our Gov cus they lost and are loosers but cant get over it is very constructive. Becides if Iam going to carry around -reps for nothing I feel I need to earn them. And if you think what these aholes are saying about our gov and our leaders is ok your a Terrorist as well. Iam not kidding when I say all the cons here should be put away (in cuba) when the cons where in power if you said this crap about them you would have had your phones taped for the shit you say here and they would have come and taken you away. You guys are pure evil and I hope they see you guys as the domestic terrorists that you are. Now its a drag to let the feds know about our site but seeing the treasonous crap posted everyday in evey one of there threads by these sick evil devil REPUGNANTCONS I know there allready here. johnnyho I know your use to your repugnt ways of the last 8 years but you done gone down and you lost and are a loser you just think you can treat enyone here the way you treat any who speaks the TRUTH but your done looser! Why wont you post your plans for the over through of are gov big talker? Could it you thet all you cons just TALK BIG but realy your a bunch sniveling cowards and you all know it. Thats why you troll places like this its the only place you still have POWER but its fake power. I hope you and your boyfriend BUBBA wil be very happy in the pin!!
Why don't you post my so-called plans since you are the one who is so sure? I was under the impression you had the proof already. An accusation like that requires evidence and I have seen nothing from you here but a series of highly entertaining and slightly disturbing e-tantrums.


Well-Known Member
Well getting rid oh hate filled treasonous terrorists called repugnantcons who want to over throught our Gov cus they lost and are loosers but cant get over it is very constructive. Becides if Iam going to carry around -reps for nothing I feel I need to earn them. And if you think what these aholes are saying about our gov and our leaders is ok your a Terrorist as well. Iam not kidding when I say all the cons here should be put away (in cuba) when the cons where in power if you said this crap about them you would have had your phones taped for the shit you say here and they would have come and taken you away. You guys are pure evil and I hope they see you guys as the domestic terrorists that you are. Now its a drag to let the feds know about our site but seeing the treasonous crap posted everyday in evey one of there threads by these sick evil devil REPUGNANTCONS I know there allready here. johnnyho I know your use to your repugnt ways of the last 8 years but you done gone down and you lost and are a loser you just think you can treat enyone here the way you treat any who speaks the TRUTH but your done looser! Why wont you post your plans for the over through of are gov big talker? Could it BE you that all you cons just TALK BIG but realy your a bunch sniveling cowards and you all know it. Thats why you troll places like this its the only place you still have POWER but its fake power. I hope you and your boyfriend BUBBA wil be very happy in the pin!!

why are you triple posting?

why are you threatening to be a snitch?

why is my inbox full of all this drama?

why can't you spell?



Well-Known Member
why is my inbox full of all this drama?
but it's drama that makes the world go 'round. without the drama queens and petty feuds life would be so mundane. inboxes are meant to be filled and their contents ignored, so enjoy the delete button.:bigjoint:


New Member
why are you triple posting?

why are you threatening to be a snitch?

why is my inbox full of all this drama?

why can't you spell?


1 the site crashed when I was replying to the jurkes in this thread Sorry ill del them if I can.

2 These cons are a threat to the country and need to be taken care of.

3 I only sent one message?

4 to much time in caves not enough time in school.

what else you want to know?
Sorry but these cons are sick and wrong and they lost and are lousers but there to dumb to know it! So they come after anyone who has the nerve to stand up to them!? Will I will never back down when attacked by these sobs NEVER! Someone needs to stand up to them!!! They have been pushing the world around for 8 years and they think they can get away with it they wont they will pay! OK? Thats all I got to say! Now I go away.


Well-Known Member
1 the site crashed when I was replying to the jurkes in this thread Sorry ill del them if I can.

2 These cons are a threat to the country and need to be taken care of.

3 I only sent one message?

4 to much time in caves not enough time in school.

what else you want to know?
Sorry but these cons are sick and wrong and they lost and are lousers but there to dumb to know it! So they come after anyone who has the nerve to stand up to them!? Will I will never back down when attacked by these sobs NEVER! Someone needs to stand up to them!!! They have been pushing the world around for 8 years and they think they can get away with it they wont they will pay! OK? Thats all I got to say! Now I go away.
we all heard you the first 563 times. you are attacking and insulting. you will be banned unless you stop. is it worth it? :peace:


New Member
Liberalism 101...victimization, grievance, emotional responses, contempt, hypocrisy, hate...good show Merlin. :clap:
You wouldnt know GOOD if you saw it and you did. ya ffd2blk good work defending these cons but when you going to start defending us (us being the US) from them? (I wont hold my breath) :fire:


New Member
Are you serious? Sounds to me like YOUR the asshole in this. Making threats to put people in prison because they -rep you? you are a whiny cry baby merlin. Go take your devils and demons and terrorist talk somewhere else, I for one do not want to read your personal affronts to others in a thread. Either post something constructive or get the fuck out.

This is how you are perceived.
Dude what are you some kind of hacker con howd you get my pic? (dame thats a bad pic of me) Ya must of hacked my webcam to get that?! Didnt know I looked that bad? And Iam not making threats to put people in prison Iam working at it by cutting and pasting and fowarding.:clap:


Well-Known Member
You wouldnt know GOOD if you saw it and you did. ya ffd2blk good work defending these cons but when you going to start defending us (us being the US) from them? (I wont hold my breath) :fire:
please show me where i "defended" anyone.

now you insult me.

you popped off and got an infraction. i reversed it after you cried. i may have moved to soon. :?


New Member
we all heard you the first 563 times. you are attacking and insulting. you will be banned unless you stop. is it worth it? :peace:

Hmm onesided arent we? What about the attacking and isulting done by them I see now that is ok. You cant get it can you its wrong to let these cons attack insulit ridicule not just me but anyone even this country and are gov even are way of life anyone who is not a CON?! Have you taken the time to check out what these guys say to us? Do you care (not)? Iam done defending GOOD here there is just to much evil on this site evil sparked by staff like johnnyo. This site is not worth it and it is not going to be here much longer anyway. (with the likes of crackerjack and johnnyo running the place into the ground and into the sights of the feds as real life terrorists)
Ya I know I should have droped it but that is to easy to let them have there way. That is what every one does with evil just look the other way but that is not my way not THE WAY! I have been defending your country and members here from these cons and I dont care EVEN THAT much if you bann me for standing up to tyranny no else here seems to be doing it ya all just let them say and do anything?! Thats wacked and Ill have no part of it Later (much Later):spew: