House votes to decriminalize marijuana at federal level

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My Happy face when I heard.

Borat? love how you punked uncle rudy..
Is it too late to move to GA and register to vote?

yes. but not too late to send Ossoff/Warnock $2 and make a few phone calls:

if you have any Asian friends who live in the state..
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Believe it or not, we (Georgia) have made a lot of progress on marijuana the last few years.

Atlanta has decriminalized anything under an ounce. You get busted with some pot, you get a ticket for 75 bucks. That's it. You pay more for a parking ticket.

Gwinnett County (where I live) have done the same. There was actually a viral video making the rounds last year where a cop had to give a guys pot back to him because it was less than an ounce.

The cop posted the video.

Several other counties and cities have done the same thing. It's going to be states that wind up paving the way forward as always. The federal government will never, ever lead the way on this. There's too much big money involved to ever let that happen.
legalizing federally is nothing more than Uncle Sam realizing how financially lucrative the cannabis industry is and it’s their way of saying, WE WANT IN..... There goes the neighborhood.
legalizing federally is nothing more than Uncle Sam realizing how financially lucrative the cannabis industry is and it’s their way of saying, WE WANT IN..... There goes the neighborhood.

Legalizing it means people can grow it. That means they don't need licenses to grow. That means the entire pot industry is gone. That means taxes on it are gone. That means special oversight is gone.

They don't want it legalized because if it is they lose control over it.

And if they lose control over it they don't make money on it.

That's why they pulled this fiasco the way they pulled it: to make you happy they "tried" while knowing full well it was never going to pass.

And the icing on the cake is they know you'll blame the republicans. It's a win-win-win for them.
However didn't the world leaders just push for worldwide decriminalization or something and now the usa is trying to act on that ?
