Household nutes?

I was wondering if there are any household items that you can add to water/soil to help your plant grow?

I know the best is probably going to a store and getting some fertilizer but that costs money and that just more grow op paraphernalia that I don't need lying around.

Anyone know of anything good? I've heard of molasses but don't have any here.


Well-Known Member
I heard/read molasses is good for sweetening the soil, but as far as I know, that is probably it.

Hydrogen Peroxide (IN PROPER DOSES) can be extremely beneficial to your root system. It provides much needed oxygen to the roots. Also good for anti-bacterial cleaning......just be careful, can burn you or clothes easily, extremely bad in the face/eyes. Use caution. But even then, I think you need a certain strength Hydrogen Peroxide to be effective. I always go with Hydro store grade stuff. Not drug store pharmacy grade stuff.

Epsom salts can be used to supplement the plant.

"Epsom salts contain hydrated magnesium sulfate, two elements crucial to plant growth." But these are secondary nutes. Still crucial, just not your primary nutes.

But a real, fully functioning fertilizer from household products......I can't think of any.

Myself, I would just go to the store get some decent priced nutes, then put them in a non-descript bottle with a marking only you know the meaning of to distinguish them from eachother. There has to be SOMEWHERE in the house you could store the bottles out of the way of prying eyes.

I know you stated price was an issue, but the wrong home brewed concoction could really mess things up if not careful.

I hope others have better suggestions for you, cause I am also interested.....not that I would necessarily actually try to brew my own, but it is interesting question none the less.

Good luck OP
Thanks guys for the info so quickly. I think i'll try to coffee grounds because that's probably the most easily attainable (and doesn't involve me collecting urine or shit :P). I think I will look into getting a fertiziler or some decent nutes.
How should I add the coffee grounds? Just bury them in the soil or sprinkle it on the soil? Also, when should I start with nutes. My plants just sprouted yesterday and today. But some are growing quick so I wanna get this down before it's too late.


Active Member
Why have a cat if you aren't willing to buy it food?

Bro, you can do it without buying nutrients, but at least go to the dollar store and pick up a bag of 5-5-5 all purpose organic. It's like $5. You would want to dilute the fertilizer in a gallon of water. Direction will be on the label.
Water, Feed, Water, Feed. In that order. Repeat. As a quick rule of thumb.
You start with nutrients usually after the first or second week. Depending on the nutrients in your soil. What kind of soil are you using anyways?
Some cheap ass european soil. I'm not in the states unfortunately so I don't have as easy access to all the brands you guys use. You've probably never heard of the brand.
And when you mean feed, do you mean water with the nutes?


Well-Known Member
How should I add the coffee grounds? Just bury them in the soil or sprinkle it on the soil? Also, when should I start with nutes. My plants just sprouted yesterday and today. But some are growing quick so I wanna get this down before it's too late.
Seedlings don't need anything for a couple of weeks, you mix the coffee grounds into the soil, too late now, you need earth worms to eat the grounds and shit it out to really get the most out of it. Only one application is recommended, too much will fuck up your soil.
Get some tomatoe fertilizer or general 20-20-20 when you need it.
Just added some coffe grounds to my soil as I was replanting my largest seeding. No worms though. It seems to be growing just fine anyway. I figured a little bit couldn't be bad even for my seedling. I'll get some better fertilizer when the time is right.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if there are any household items that you can add to water/soil to help your plant grow?

I know the best is probably going to a store and getting some fertilizer but that costs money and that just more grow op paraphernalia that I don't need lying around.

Anyone know of anything good? I've heard of molasses but don't have any here.
h2o2 ,very small amount it adds some o2 to soil.