#1. The Horse is the power; the soil. The Cart relies on the Horse; The Plant. Depending upon the strength & health of the Horse/Soil, depends upon how the Cart will act. It does not matter what the plant looks like, it's strain, yield, color, etc. The sole energy is the horse/soil. Boiled water & sterile soil is a dead zone. No energy what so ever. City water is devoid of any minerals & trace elements required, plus the chems that processing plants do not filter out, or they add in. Birth control infected urine is not distracted from the processing, and a lot of other thing, except the natural elements in pure spring water. Plus add the chlorine & fluoride, which is a chemical waste by-product.... drink up, but don't give your plants this shit.
In healthy, "living" soil, you have millions of microorganisms, that cultivate the soil 24/7, surround the root system with disease fighting immunity protections. They add oxygen, break down vegetative matter so that when your Lady requires any given nute or element, it's already processed for her. Worms & Microbes is the powerhouse, and they do not do well taking Meth, or man made chemicals. Raising & lowering the PH is like doing uppers, then downers. PH levels is highly overrated, as is the N,P,K.
Forget the Cart/Plant. All constructive concern should be about the energy. If you have that, there will never be any concern about spider mites, over nuting, burning, non-vigorous growth, stress, topping,water retention, root rot, nute lock, PH, or NPK.
Trade Mouthwash for seaweed, and ammonia for hard cider, if need be. But the ultimate goal should be to feed the microbes what THEY want, to build the perfect energized living soil. If it's not healthy for the micobes, don't give the stuff. Learn to build the Perfect live beast/soil, and sit back & grow 8 lb per... tomatoes.