Household Organics?


Well-Known Member
Well in a thread earlier you said to look at your thread Household Organics and then well talk. I think it was something to do with the vinegar and baking soda.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats it Im not sure why you said that, lol I cant recall anyways someone also said something about it being unstabble and to just use the ph up and down but I find the vinegar works great for me. I have the ph adjusters but I dont use them.


Active Member
Hey guys if you mix them together what do you get? Do you know? Either of ya??? lol small amount of co2

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
white vinegar will kill your microorganisms. Baking soda takes it down I thought. careful. I would just buy your shit, organic lables and all.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Had big time trouble with the RIU site.
My point is that all that up & down shit is BS when you have a good healthy soil. It works it's on magic. Uppers, downer... up PH, down PH, Dudes, it can't be healthy. That's confusing the Ladies. My theory is give them a Buffet, let them take what the want, when they desire it. Yes, worms. The highest nutrition known to man-kind is worm shit, but the worms, like microbes cultivate the soil. 25% less water, 25% less ferts, and the Baby is dancing. Specific questions welcomed, but building the perfect beast/soil is the key, not chems that kills every damned thing in the soil.

NYC Diesel

New Member
i wasnt planning on using vinegar or baking soda. im honestly not concerned with pH, its not like i live in the desert. Ill try lookin around for some earth worm crap, and if i cant find any ill just go lookin in my own backyard. thanks for ur help guys