How a Bump Stock works

Straw man argument again.

I've said to you before that I'm all for Canada's gun control program. Read it. It doesn't take guns away from those that are able to pass background checks and follow the law.

So, this entire time, you've been arguing with me over a point I've made clear I'm all for. Restrictions and control.

Meanwhile I'm arguing against taking/"buying back" guns. K.
All I see is dreams and ideas. But no logical ways as to how these can/will be implemented.

Idk how many times I have to say I'm not against restrictions. It's just there's zero logic behind these "ideas".
What ideas do you see "zero logic" and who voiced them?

No straw man arguments allowed. Who posted the ideas you see as illogical?

Recall that redivided only referenced gun buybacks in other countries. He did say they work. But he didn't say the US should buy back all guns in the country. You made up that idiotic straw man.
So, this entire time, you've been arguing with me over a point I've made clear I'm all for. Restrictions and control.

Meanwhile I'm arguing against taking/"buying back" guns. K.
So then you are all for adopting Canada's gun laws and modeling the US system of restrictions and control on them?
What ideas do you see "zero logic" and who voiced them?

No straw man arguments allowed. Who posted the ideas you see as illogical?

Recall that redivided only referenced gun buybacks in other countries. He did say they work. But he didn't say the US should buy back all guns in the country. You made up that idiotic straw man.

Lol, you're as bad as UncleBuck. And he's clearly just a troll. Are you a parrot? Just repeat shit?

Stop arguing with yourself please.
B..b..b..but you guys. In Canada you can still buy AR-15's.... Those are scary! The plastic accessories make it significantly more deadly than guns with wood stocks!
That is being reductive. Can you explain your agnosticism in more than one word?

  1. a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.
  1. a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.
Nice copy n paste, very 90’s
literally 20 seconds and here it is:

Except I got it wrong. US gun homicide rate is 5x of the rate in Canada and 25x that of Aus.

You know, it's not really a matter of cold stats when it comes to the kind of damage Cruz did to the community. An entire community is traumatized when there is a mass shooting in a school. The kids in the school, all them are affected. People like me wonder why anybody wants a rifle that can hurt so many people, disrupt so many lives in such a short period of time.

You're not too bright are you? That article you just linked states that the gun homicide rate is 29.7 per 1 million people, or 2.97 per 100,000 people.
You're not too bright are you? That article you just linked states that the gun homicide rate is 29.7 per 1 million people, or 2.97 per 100,000 people.

I already awared him you have to read the article and not just the titles but hey, this is difficult when everything makes you triggered.

the relative rates are the same. I still want Australia's homicide rates. I'll accept Canada's.
You're not too bright are you? That article you just linked states that the gun homicide rate is 29.7 per 1 million people, or 2.97 per 100,000 people.

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