how about LST?


Well-Known Member
I'm planning on doing a lst job on my plant to increase total yield, I've read the FAQs but was wondering what height I should start at. And I'm pretty sure I need to top the plant once it starts to grow back skyward....or as it grows up do I just keep hooking the new growth down? any advice on lst is more than welcome. THanKs. oh yeah and whats scrog???


Well-Known Member
I waited about three weeks and mine is about 6 inches before I did lst I couldn't find any metal hooks so right now im just using some regular thread plus I think their eaiser to make all the right adjustments without fear of snapping your stem.


Well-Known Member
yeah I'm using terra cotta so drilling is tough, I'll have to figure that out when I get there, if you look at one of the faq posts about lst he mentions topping the plant shortly after the first tie down. I guess your saying just work the stalk in a circle around as it grows without topping? I figured that would work, I didn't really see the use in topping it, but thats why I'm a novice and that dude had his shit in the faq. Anyone have any other thoughts?


Well-Known Member
i found just to tie fan leaves out of the way. im starting lst myself today and im in my 5th week vegging


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt top your plant tho since your a novice and so am I, that guy has probally experience with topping and lst but you can do it if you feel comfortable with it but I know I dont plan on cutting my plant up lol.


Well-Known Member
yeah I know what you mean, but after doing my research, Im pretty excited to FIM (top) her and then train her down, I'm sure it will increase my overall yield and the strength of my plant. If you search some threads on it plenty of first timers are training topping or both! Ive just been around plants (especially weeds) my whole life and as with other weeds ganj wants to stay alive and thrive. Topping fim lst and supercropping (gotta love the faqs) are all great ways to dare I say EXPLOIT processes that have taken millions of years to perfect. Theyre sturdy plants a lot of people say a little of punishment on em is well worth it and even better than just letting em shoot up. but hey theres nothing wrong with a big beautful bud on a big beautiful tree.


Well-Known Member
Well ya you do bring out alot of good points but like I said thats method is just not for everyone and I hope you have the best of luck with her, ya the faqs deffiently can help anyone choose how to grow some ganja. They have just about every solution to every problem!!! And ya there isnt anything wrong with some nice fat buds.



Well-Known Member
Im glad you originally said that man, it made me research more, although a fim or top would give me to stalks and bush her out a whole ton, just doing the lst and pinning her down (naughty) will be enough for this time. Although topping is great Ive been reading a lot that it will slow growth because of the shock and having to regrow etc etc. So...After a little consideration I'll be starting my tie down in a week, just lettin her grow no toppin this time around.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt top your plant tho since your a novice and so am I, that guy has probally experience with topping and lst but you can do it if you feel comfortable with it but I know I dont plan on cutting my plant up lol.
Topping really doesn't require any experience. I did it when I first started growing "back in the day". Just make sure you have a sterile razor blade/sharp scissors, cut just above the node junction and yer good to go.


Active Member
I'm planning on doing a lst job on my plant to increase total yield, I've read the FAQs but was wondering what height I should start at. And I'm pretty sure I need to top the plant once it starts to grow back skyward....or as it grows up do I just keep hooking the new growth down? any advice on lst is more than welcome. THanKs. oh yeah and whats scrog???

Do a grow without topping to get some experience, no point going 4 yield if ure grow f's up....Tie the main branch and work from there - do it from the start.
Scrog is similar in a sense to LST, just uses, say a window frame with chicken wire instead of glass, laid over the plant to flatten/train branches through..similar effect, probably easier in some ways as you can sort/get rid of 'suckers' pretty easy...GL again!!:mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I did a few lst grows and I broke the main stem of one, so I effectively topped it. The topped plant outgrew and out produced all of the lsts. Now I only top and don't waste my time.


Well-Known Member
yeah I figured topping isn't too big of a thing and would be good in the long run, but apparently the plant is in shock for a like a week and then starts to recover, I'd just rather keep the growth constant. Either way is good, but I think Im just gonna start pinnin her down in a nice circle, I will surely be messin with topping and fim and Scrog for my next grow when I will have wayyy more space and thus more plants to toy with. If only everyone could have a sweet little plant of their own...its so relaxing to be able to clear everything out of my head and just enjoy the beauty that nature provides, and to be able to care for something so elemental and strong, and of course we all know what all that tlc amounts to in the end... a whole lotta thc!:hump::blsmoke::hump:


Well-Known Member
A confusing time to be a newbie on tempted to top or FIM, pulled towards FIM cause I've seen plants with like 4 or 5 new top growths, it sucks going off what people say some say toppin kicks the shit outta lst vice versa, so I just don't know man I just don't know. it seems every time I give it a think I change my mind.


Well-Known Member
yeah I figured topping isn't too big of a thing and would be good in the long run, but apparently the plant is in shock for a like a week and then starts to recover, I'd just rather keep the growth constant. Either way is good, but I think Im just gonna start pinnin her down in a nice circle, I will surely be messin with topping and fim and Scrog for my next grow when I will have wayyy more space and thus more plants to toy with. If only everyone could have a sweet little plant of their own...its so relaxing to be able to clear everything out of my head and just enjoy the beauty that nature provides, and to be able to care for something so elemental and strong, and of course we all know what all that tlc amounts to in the end... a whole lotta thc!:hump::blsmoke::hump:

Couldn't have put things any better.