How about this?? Tell me what you think!!pixx


Active Member
OK so i got kinda fucked by a certian 2 males that shouldnt have turned male!! fuckk but here is the growing indoor in a 4x3x8 closet...using a 400wmh in an ebb n flow....some plants shot up wayyy to quick and the light isnt reaching the lower plants..can i take my whole tray outside for the lights on time?? and throw it back inside when its bedtime?? cuz the lower plants are wilting like a crazy and i can not lower the light without cutting half off one plant....tell me what u think!!



Well-Known Member
You have what 3 doing great, and one lag. Well shame on the lag, I would just leave them be and too bad for the small one.


Active Member
naww i got 4 plants that are the same size and one monster, i need update thats a old pic but u think i can take em outside for the 12 hours of day and put them back in the closet at night time??


Active Member
sorry that pic isnt updated,...its thew same but one shiot wayyyy upp so i can not lower the light, i dont have any cash for a hps hah but as soon as i come up on one its mine hahah but what do u think ot putting the whloe tray outside for the 12 hours of light?


Active Member
here is the trouble maker...shes staying outside in organic soil meow!! now the light can spread to my other babies!!