How about you just write the guy a letter?

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New Member
Doesn't make him a snitch.

no it doesn't,but you better be scared of anybody that is STD(scared to death) of doing time.Scoob says its ok to snitch if it keeps you on the street or gets you back on the street to take care of your family.Like its ok to give up someone who you think is less then you.
How many guys like us are in jail b/c of guys like Scoob ? Lots of us,thats how many

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
How about you and his family write to him?

When my husband was in jail I wasn't bugging people to write to him. I wrote something down (journal like) to him once a night and then sent it to him at the end of every week.

I lived with my parents, got a job and tryed to pull our life back together.

My parents didn't write him, his friends didn't write him, my friends didn't write him. Big deal.

I highly doubt the dude is worried about internet friends writing him while he is jail. Give me a heartfelt letter from the spouse.


Well-Known Member
A lot of people love to talk about the things they are going to do but never actually do them. When FDD was going away everyone said they would write and try and help out if they could but very few have. It's almost embarrassing as a member of this forum. The only online social media site I belong to. So instead of talking about donations and money; how about you guys just sit down once a month a write the guy a letter? That alone could be all he needs to pull through this. If you don't agree with what he did or have issues with whatever "version" of the story you heard then that is your right and you don't need to post here. All I am asking for is 1 hour of your time a month to write the guy a letter. Doesn't seem that hard but it surely would be a spirit lifting thing for him. I hope you guys see my point.
What is your obsession with fdd?


Well-Known Member
So, he was popped trying to move 20, 30, or 100 lbs from CA to IL? He ends up getting a few years in a Fed run prison (think Motel 8 with a chain link fence). He takes a few classes, and will be home in one year to do a couple on house arrest, where he can start growing again? Shiiiiiit. I'm renting a tractor to till my whole yard tomorrow.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
Damn Scoobs a narc?
yes he admitted he would ''roll on anyone in a New York minute'' if he had the chance to save his own neck from his own doing. (<< his own words ill spam the link to the thread since the riu secret services likes to clean up the truth by deleting comments you can see it for yourself


New Member
yes he admitted he would ''roll on anyone in a New York minute'' if he had the chance to save his own neck from his own doing. (<< his own words ill spam the link to the thread since the riu secret services likes to clean up the truth by deleting comments you can see it for yourself
Yeah the tnt mods love secretly deleting stuff...

And i never liked this scooby dude when i first read his post hes comes off as a dogs behind. (Not allowed to call someone an asshole here) but for him to say hes a snitch is beyond crazy. Bout to put him on ignore!


New Member
can't start a thread or do anything on this site without someone being offended or having a problem with it. try re-reading the original post again. I clearly state that you are entitled to your opinion and that I am referring to the people that talked and talked about how they would write him. I could care less about the donations anymore. most of you have just shit on any attempt i have made to try and raise money for the guy so i'm just dealing with his wife myself. not my conscience i'm worried about.

You stay away from his wife, boy!


New Member
bro, don't even try and act like i'm some snitch. you got a serious hard on for me if you keep following me around to threads trying to call me out. lemme guess? you were the one in the shower waiting on someone to drop the soap? I've lived in costa rica for almost 9 years now. do a little research. god damn's in my sig. who the hell am I snitching on? I don't get involved in situations where I need to snitch. i'm a real estate developer. and a pretty damn good one at that. before that i worked on wall st. bet you would love me if i snitched about how big banks REALLY fuck you. keep twisting my words around and starting shit for no reason. just makes you look like an ass. you're not in jail anymore dude...this isn't the prison yard. no need to try and act tough.

LOL.I never twisted any of your words.In a New York minute was your phrase.It shows your true color.(yellow)


Well-Known Member
LOL.I never twisted any of your words.In a New York minute was your phrase.It shows your true color.(yellow)
are you slow or something? want me to draw it in crayon for ya.....yes, if given the choice between some dude i deal drugs to and supporting my wife and kid so they don't go poor and lose their house then i would "ROLL ON YOUR ASS IN A NY MINUTE." quote that all you want. you never answered my question though? if i was still an investment banker and i knew my firm was doing something illegal that was causing harm to the public and they were making a shitload of money doing it...would i still be a "snitch" if a told? you and the rest of the wanna be prison yard tough guys would roll on your own mother over a dime bag misdemeanor. as for timewasmoney; like a give a rats ass what you think of me. chances are you are in some dump stealing wifi from your neighbor talking shit on 14 different internet sites. as for the tnt mode who erased my post; getting to be like Nazi Germany around here. didn't realize the North Koreans had taken over the site.


Well-Known Member
good to see RIU is still run by a select few mods who actually have a head on their shoulders and the rest of the staff and administration are functioning retards. makes life so interesting here.
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