How Accurate Are Flowering Times


Active Member
Just like title states, ho accurate are the websites flowerin times, if somethin says 8-10 is it orm around there or is it possible for it to be done in 6...Just curious thanks for the input fellas..


Active Member
From what I've learned they're usually a couple if not a few weeks longer then what they say. The only way to tell for sure is to check the trics


Well-Known Member
Most seed companies do their best to sell you stable strains in seed-form. The best they can do is approximate the flowering time based on averages. They cannot, however, account for all the varying phenos that may flower sooner or later than an expected. It's safe to say that the flower time advertised is an accurate average, but only you can be the judge of how quickly your environment matured your plants.


I can speak for dutch passion seeds. first they all hermie. second there stated flowering times are off by atleast 2 weeks. Master kush stated at 8-9 weeks, they went to 10-11 weeks. The worst was white widow. Their stated flowering time was 8 weeks. They finished in 12 weeks and one could have gone longer.


Active Member
I think there are things you can do to reduce your flowering time but I don't know if you give up yield by doing so. I would think you are but that is just a guess. If you use Canna Boost as a spray instead of in your nutrient mix, you will have trichomes that are milky much earlier. I think it takes off about 2 weeks but others I know have said that they had to harvest on week 5 or 6 on a 10 week strain. But I am pretty positive that although it is "done" earlier, you are giving up yield as you don't give the buds enough time to swell and get dense..