Hello, Um I'd say no, But i guess i dont know how to really answer that. What I can say is this : Humidity is needed for the entire process ( growing, flowering, drying) . But for drying its need for a controlled drying . If you have too little r h in the drying room , the atmosphere will literatly suck the moisture out of the bud , leaving you with a bud thats dry in 1 or two days , still full of chlorophyl and all the other organic compounds that a controlled drying helps elinimate . too high of a rh will make the bud dry very slowly, with a huge risk of bud mold . an optimium rh is about 40-50% and that figure is a pretty safe bet during the entire veg flower dry cycles. only during seedling/clone stage do you want a higher 70-95% rh . when a plant is rootless in the clone stage it has no way to get water , so it has to transpire it from through the leaves. as for the loss of yeild , No your going to lose about 75% during the drying process and there's no getting aound it . dont worry about what you cannot control, instead worry about the specs in the drying room, make sure the temp and rh is PERFECT and keep the lights away from the bud . yes go in and check your shit every once in a while but dont leave the lights on it all day. and the bud that you do get will not be affected by the drying process. and depending on how good it was grown, should be pretty good . Hope this helps