How am I doing? (pics)


Well-Known Member
Plant number one. Born 8/28.
I Fimed it and this is what I got. Leafs with no tips. Is this normal? Also, what are the spots and yellowing of the lower leafs about?

top shot. What's up with the wicked twist in that leaf? Result of fim?
New growth coming in with an orange/red hue. Abnormal?

A better shot of the lower leaf. Nute burn? I didnt feed them anything but there is a small amount in the soil, and some fish emulsions from a past grow that went bad. I reused the soil :wall: The other plant died at this age and it started with yellowing of the lower leafs, but was more rappid than this. I think the fish emulsion is too hot, and the left over is burning it.

Plant #2. Same DOB. much slower to develop. I am LSTing this one. Whats up with the claw leafs?

Top shot. Leafs are really ribbed compared to the other one. What does that mean?
PH is lowish. 6.2 out of the tap, lower draining from the soil. Its perfect mix potting soil with no nutrients added except the left over from a past grow.


Well-Known Member
i dont know what to say, it doesnt look like a plant iv'e seen before the leaves look droopy, it looks half eaten to, but i'm a noob so dont listen to me.


Well-Known Member
i'd say that plant one looks overwaterd and suffering from heat stress. how often do you water? what lights you using? and what is the temp? The yellowing leafs could be from nute burn, but if you flushed your old soil properly after you used it and let it dry out completely, that shouldn't be the problem. sometimes the lower leafs just get a bit yellow as they age, i dont worry about them. plant two looks pretty much the same.

ease off the water and bring the heat down (around 75F-80F) and if you are feeding.......dont......not yet.

hope i helped.


Well-Known Member
I am using CFLs but the temps in the cab are high. 82-95, depends if I am home and able to leave the cab open. I only water every 2-3 days. What happens if PH is too low?


Well-Known Member
well, the recommended PH is 5.5 - 6 so your PH should be ok. have you got a fan blowing in the room and how close are your lights. it will most likely be the heat. is the soil completely dry when you water?


Well-Known Member
I have a small PC fan blowing on them. They are shaking so the air is hitting them. I also have an exhaust fan at the top. The grow is in a computer case, which is in a cabinet so it gets hot when its closed up. Lights are about 3-4 inches away. I will take a pic when the lights come on at 2:40