How am I doing?


Well-Known Member
can you post pix of your grow with lights, and medium, and whole area,, and I will try to help,, Im only asking because this is a very long thread and I am going back and forth so it is hard to keep track of problems...... It will also help out alot......


Well-Known Member
That sucks man, I had a hard time posting pics here for a long time. I started using photobcket. Now my thread is full of pics!! yay, lol. But no I did just get up my first mushroom harvest. All the final pics, and weight.


Well-Known Member
That sucks man, I had a hard time posting pics here for a long time. I started using photobcket. Now my thread is full of pics!! yay, lol. But no I did just get up my first mushroom harvest. All the final pics, and weight.
Yeah man, I've been keeping an eye on your mushroom grow. Good shit brotha!
Well today is the first day that I've seen growth. I think the plants are going to have a nice big growth spurt. They seem to love the MH bulb. I got two more BBS that just started to sprout today. I'm excited!


Well-Known Member
Well, I have some good news. The plants have officially started to grow at a good pace. They're now about 4 inches tall but the leaves are getting bigger. I'm thinking that I should just keep watering with straight water for a little bit to keep it less complicated and then I can start with Big Bloom and then Grow Big for a bit. I'm gonna flower in a couple of weeks if they grow at the same pace.
Thanks for the help guys! appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Here are the pics. 3rd pic is the only seedling that was transplanted. I'm thinking I should transplant into 5 gal pots a week before I flower or so. What do you guys think?
sounds good... i transplant right before i put them in the dr120 to flower... so yeah that would work ..


Well-Known Member
oh lol... right..

I see them doing fine man... dont mess with them too much and they will grow fine... the new growth is all nice and green and you can expect to have the bottom leafs fall off so dont worry about them.... low nutrients if any.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man. They seem to be liking straight spring water with no nutes. I'm going to get some more seeds this week, probably some kind of kush.


Well-Known Member
Now the only thing I'm worried about is that if the plants got stressed, it means they're more likely to go male right? Do you think that if they grow for a while with low stress that they still have chance to go female? I'm looking to get as many females I can of course, but need at least 3 out of 7 to go female.