How am I doing?


Active Member
Man, I just did my second and final transplant on them and things are not well. Yesterday I was looking for a bag of soil without the time released like someone had recommended and all I found was manure and humus soil. I remembered reading something on here about using that so I went with it. This afternoon all of my plants are droopy and turning yellow around the edges. Should I have used the manure and humus soil a certain way? I do not have a ph tester. Could this be the problem? Any advice is greatly appreciated, I am worried they will die.



Well-Known Member
looking pretty man. final transplant? as for the soil idk but those spots on there dont look to bad i wouldnt worrie unless they progress


Active Member
They are now 5-6 weeks old and as I said yesterday I did a transplant two days ago. They are on an 18 and 6 light schedule (electric timer) with 350 watts of metal Halide on them. Today I noticed what appear to be the balls that grow on male plants on just one of them. I am not flowering yet and am wondering if a trained eye can better determine what these new growths really are. If they are the balls what could have made it flower like this?



Active Member
Yes, last night I thought they were new growth like many of the other plants have, but when I got home from work I recognized what they were from other pictures on here. Thanks for the advice, could this mean something is wrong with the plants' conditions for one to show so soon?