How am I doing

dude relax... I wasn't trying to undermine what ever authority you think you have, I was merely saying that properly placed cfl's can yield a decent harvest, (sort of a glass half full look to his grow as opposed to your pessimistic stop wasting your time banter that served very little purpose).


Well-Known Member
dude relax... I wasn't trying undermine what ever authority you think you have, I was merely saying that properly placed cfl's can yield a decent harvest, (sort of a glass half full look to his grow as opposed to your pessimistic stop wasting your time banter that served very little purpose).
i have no authority what so ever. But I did though read the whole thread before posting my opinions ;)


Well-Known Member
its just funny you said that after i posted a link about adiquate lighting which btw you have no where near enough either...but gl on your grow!


Well-Known Member
Well you seem to be bent out of shape over something, relax and smoke one of those plants you boast so highly of :clap:
i dunno if this is your first grow, but id definetly guess that it is. so maybe you should do a bit more research or ask around about lighting before giving advice and Im saying this to help not be a dick.
its just funny you said that after i posted a link about adiquate lighting which btw you have no where near enough either...but gl on your grow!
All I wanted to do was encourage him with his grow because I'm doing something similar with around the same amount of resources. That's all. :-(

but, thanks for your opinion on my plant! Maybe next time you should wait until I ask for it though?
Furthermore, trying to help and being a dick are leaps and bounds apart.. how is it you are able to blend the boundaries between the 2 so effortlessly?

i dunno if this is your first grow, but id definetly guess that it is. so maybe you should do a bit more research or ask around about lighting before giving advice and Im saying this to help not be a dick.


Well-Known Member
Oh please... I've seen folks on this site grow half an oz with 2 cfl's... it's all in the placement. This lady is being grown with 3 26w 2700k cfl's nothing more nothing less...
lmfao.. listen you started it by this comment here.. You quoted me saying "oh please" like I was wrong in telling him that he needs more light. All I did was defend my stand point that you can not grow an oz under 2 cfls UNLESS they are fucking HUGE cfls. Sorry if you were offended I was only trying to get my point across.


Well-Known Member
Really, go read this thread, with all the advice I was trying to give. Then all of the sudden you say I am wrong, which if you did actually read the thread the first time you would have seen the "Things to Know about Lighting" that I posted which is stickied on the Faqs page of RIU.


OK thanks for that info on the lighting man ill go get more lights asap
Speaking as an amateur, your plant looks a lot like my first grow. The plant was a White widow and I really just wanted to see if it would grow so I went about growing it in soil with various fertilisers and a comparitively small amount of light. It grew tall, almost 4ft but it was spindley, too much gap between leaves and not enough folieage. The buds were small and so was the yield - very small.

Since that plant, I've adopted the See More Buds approach, (search for it) except with a few of my own additions. I invested in 2x250W Cfl's and a small hydro system. The grow medium is hydrokorrels (clay pellets) and the plant was grow from seed in rockwool. I'm going for Short, stocky and thick. The plant is about 7 weeks old now and is about 20" tall and the same width with buds starting to show all over. There's so much folieage that I've had to remove some leaves they were covering developing buds, the central stem is totally invisible.

I'm not saying 'this is how you do it'. This is just my experience:
The PH of the water is all important for maximum growth, 5.8 to 6.1.
More light is better - if using CFL's have them as close to the plant as you possibly can.
Keep the room from getting too cold - cold = slower progress. somewhere between 15 and 22 degrees celcius seems to work.

Still a few weeks left on it but so far so good. Northern Lights strain by the way.



Well-Known Member
Speaking as an amateur, your plant looks a lot like my first grow. The plant was a White widow and I really just wanted to see if it would grow so I went about growing it in soil with various fertilisers and a comparitively small amount of light. It grew tall, almost 4ft but it was spindley, too much gap between leaves and not enough folieage. The buds were small and so was the yield - very small.

Since that plant, I've adopted the See More Buds approach, (search for it) except with a few of my own additions. I invested in 2x250W Cfl's and a small hydro system. The grow medium is hydrokorrels (clay pellets) and the plant was grow from seed in rockwool. I'm going for Short, stocky and thick. The plant is about 7 weeks old now and is about 20" tall and the same width with buds starting to show all over. There's so much folieage that I've had to remove some leaves they were covering developing buds, the central stem is totally invisible.

I'm not saying 'this is how you do it'. This is just my experience:
The PH of the water is all important for maximum growth, 5.8 to 6.1.
More light is better - if using CFL's have them as close to the plant as you possibly can.
Keep the room from getting too cold - cold = slower progress. somewhere between 15 and 22 degrees celcius seems to work.

Still a few weeks left on it but so far so good. Northern Lights strain by the way.
Nice work dude looks awsome!!!:weed: