how am i doing

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
The plants are stretching like that because your light is too far away. This can cause them to collapse under their own weight. If that is a cfl it needs to be 2-3" above the canopy.


Well-Known Member
No offense here, but they look like crap. Nodes are way too far apart due to stretching, which means your light(s) are too far away, move them closer. Also, get rid of the aluminum foil, that will lead to hot spots and it has almost zero reflectivity. You're better off painting the walls white, or even cheaper than the foil is getting an emergency blanket from a hardware store, camping store, or even most dollar stores sell them. Last bit of advice, READ more on how to grow. Yes it's a weed and very simple to grow, but as with anything, educate yourself a little bit before you just dive in. If you're going to use CFL's, get more of them, I only see one in your photos, and one is not nearly enough to have any kind of results.


Well-Known Member
Welcome, this will be a great site for you... The advise above will help you throughout the grow (so keep asking). After your first grow you'll be even more experienced for the next! I learn something new everyday...It's great! Peace & Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
it should be fine just be carful with heaters and such in ur room. and def. get that light as close as you can man....
welcome to RIU good luck with ur grow man


P3010012.jpgP3010015.jpgwell this is how im doin after the burn witch isnt to bad for my first grow...i learned alotfor my next grow thats for sureMe 017.jpgP3010013.jpgMe 011.jpgMe 011.jpgMe 016.jpg


Hey man I do have to agree about the importance of the lights being close. Try to get them within 2-3 inches Not touching. Also in Veg with CFL's make sure you are using 6500k and when they start to sex switch to 2700k and make sure there is more light during the flower then the veg. How many lights do you have in that area? And how big is the area you have?


Well-Known Member
The light is a a factor in stretching, but it could also be a nutrient deficiency or imbalance. It almost looks like a potassium deficiency (edit: or maybe toxicity) due to pH issues perhaps? Do you use tap water?


yea i do use top water i have a britta should i use i haveee two 150 w 60hz 600ma an a normal cfl light...the ones i have tho are big cfl the room i use is lik 3 reet wide 10 feet tall an lik 10 feet long


Go to a outdoor store and get an emergency blanket. Its made outta Mylar. That stuff works great and its super cheap. The foil makes hot spots and WILL burn your plants and create problems. Good job using the Brita filter always a good idea to filter the water. Also let the water stay in a Jug or container for 24 hours to let the chlorine die out and all. If you are that freaked out about the Balance of the things in your water go to a pet store and get a cheap water test srtip kit. Like $5 for that kit and the Mylar your at $10 if that.


RIU Bulldog
man If I knew then what I know now 1) I would have bought my meters first (ppm/ph) and 2) I would never have used tap water


Well-Known Member
bro youre doing fine on youre first grow but you may wanna switch to some metal haylide os high pressure sodium blulbs youre buds wont grow much with thoose florescent light,....also it looks like you may have some chemical burns going on , thats why the tips of youre leave are looking like that you may wanna invest in a parts per million meter and a p.h tester, may wanna switch youre nutrient regimn if youre burn get any worse.....better nutrients,..better lights...equal bigger budz fam....good luck,..happy growin........also you may wanna get rid of the aluminum....all those folds equal to a lot of hot should get some mylar


Well-Known Member
also you wanna get a ph tester for youre water bra...thats critical,.....i noticed that didint any body mention it but you have too keep you water levels right.... this is more important than ANYTHING you do ...a ph up and down tester kit is about three bucks at any garden store. the best level for plants in that stage is 6.0 to 6.5 but what ever you do never go above 7.....neeeevvvveeerrrr!!!!!