How am I doing


Active Member
So I planted a bunch of seeds about 4 days ago. I took a cardboard box, put a garbage bag as a liner through some miracle grow soil in it and placed my seeds on top. Ive been watering them daily with water and also miracle grow pour and feed plant food. I clipped a desk light above it and leave it on for about 6-8 hours. The roots are beginning to open up and Ihave a feeling I should dig them in the ground, also I believe I need a fan involved, I blow on them every now and then because plants like carbon dioxide. Anyway there are pictures of my set-up I would appreciate any suggestions/tips or if I'm doing something wrong, I do know that there should be a drain at the bottom for my plants but there is about 6 inches of soil and I just refrain from overwatering. Please help if you know something I don't, Im pretty new at this. This is all going on in the closet as well if that makes a difference



Well-Known Member
Uhhhh yea. There is a lot wrong with this, but I'm sure many people on here are willing to help. First of all, get reading. Read everything you can on this forum and in general on growing. Read the grow FAQ on this forum!!

1) A desk light is the complete wrong type of light (it will not all...don't even try it). Get a CFL or something of that sort. There is plenty of information about lighting on this forum. Look for it immediately.
2) Separate each plant into its own pot. Otherwise, the roots will get tangled and lead to very bad things. Plus, you have way too many plants growing for a first time closet maybe 10 of them by repotting them into individual six inch pots.
3) The seeds were supposed to be put a little under the soil, not on top. But that worked out for you anyway.
4) Once you get the right type of light (get it immediately), it needs to be on at least 18 hours a day for this state of growth (vegetative).
5) Consider if you actually wanna do this. It costs money and it takes time and effort to do it right. Plus, there is risk involved, seeing as it is illegal and all.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm railing on you or anything; it's just that you need to fix some things very, very quickly. I love the fact that you wanna grow, but you need to get educated man. Good luck and keep reading and asking questions. People here are very helpful, and there's toooons of information.


Active Member
Thanks, I'm going to get a CFL light right now and separate pots to put them in, what about a fan, is it required?


Well-Known Member
A cheap oscillating fan would be nice to make the stems stronger and keep the air moving. After you transplant, keep it on low (and not too close) so only a light breeze hits the plants. Don't knock them down; they're very fragile right now. As they get stronger, you can move the fan closer...


New Member
very baad idea to miracle grow to feed your plants this early in veg. wait a couple weeks or until it starts to get big especially since you already got miracle grow soil it will definitiely over do it


Well-Known Member
Think of your plants as a bunch of German Sheppard Puppies, sure they look easy to care for when they are tiny, but eventually they'll be a 100lb dog.

Be sure to keep in mind the space the plants will need for rootgrowth... and they will need way more light as they grow.
I am just finishing up my set up construction tonight. Check my grow journal tomorrow for pics! I am a complete Noob, but I spent a month doing research before even getting my seeds wet. This is a great site-- read a couple of CFL grow journals for ideas.

Good luck dude!


Well-Known Member
K that's a good start. Now get those lights right up near the plants (2-3", I think). I also recommend keeping fewer of those plants. 24 is far too many for those 2 lights, or at least it will be once the plants get bigger. a few awesome plants is better than 20 plants that don't get enough light and love.