How am i doing?


Well-Known Member
Ok, they are getting better, a lot of them are getting that dark green side =) I even have 1 of the plants leaves turning dark purple! I will have pics tonight or tomorrow. I'm guessing 1 or 2 more waters and they should be healthy to start flowering.

Hey man,
ive been following your thread for awhile now, as you know. whats wierd is i think my girls are doing what yours were. i have one gran daddy and it is now looking like your original posts... what r you using to fix the yellowing and get it back to green. also good work on getting them back!!



Well-Known Member
hey man read my post about yours.... they are looking nice. what did you use to get them back to green? calmag? r you still using it?


Well-Known Member
yes, i used more cal mag in my watering to bring them to a darker green, helped out alot, there are still some yellow leaves towards the bottom, but the rest look great.


Well-Known Member
did you use the cal mag until you were happy with the color change or was there a certain amount of time you used it for? do you contiue to use it or have you stopped?

Thanks i appreciate it


Well-Known Member
i kept using it until i saw change in color and yes i still use cal mag in my watering still to keep the green.


Well-Known Member
Grow room under construction!

going to build another light setup for the 1000 watt i'm adding for flowering, taking picks tonight!


Well-Known Member
ok shit happened and i had to move them outdoor for flowering, should i follow the outdoor timing, like harvest at mid October, or should i just go 8-9 weeks from when i put them outdoor because they are already starting to bud.