How are my little ones...?


Active Member
The shorter one (#1) WAS bigger than the other by far, it slowed down and the other one has taken over. Am noticing the very tips have a brown tinge. Do they look ok?

Lowryder Auto's

In: Soil: Potting Mix/Castings, Perlite - 40/30/30
Under: 600w HPS

1 week old.


Well-Known Member
they r fine, typical little nute burn, it will clear up very soon I am sure, it is common when u r using any soil w fertz in ur mix. good luck on the grow


Active Member
Purplehazin- about 9 inches

At first the short one was stretching hard, got 4 inches in height, so i buried it up to its neck and this is where its at now. The taller of the 2 was quite small compared to the other, but now it is looking much stronger than #1.

At lights our i spray em with carbonated water, and water with tap water. I have left the water to sit for a few days, someone said it was a good idea not to pour straight from the tap.


Well-Known Member
9 inches is way too close for seedlings. 10,000 -15,000 lumens is fine for growing, about 5,000 is good for starting seedlings. You want that 600 about 2 ft away from your seedling, just until they really start to take off. I burned my seedlings last round because I had my 400w too close to begin with. I raised it up a few inches and all was good :)



Well-Known Member
Yeah, they look pretty good. As mentioned, the soil is probably a bit hot for them, but not enough to do any real harm. Just don't feed them for awhile, and they be a-okay. You might want to quit misting them too, 'cause it really doesn't do anything, except add risk, like powdery mildew, long as the soil has enough moisture in it, or the humidity isn't low. Foliar feeding is different, but misting, IMO, isn't really as much good as you'd think it would be. Concentrate on a good solid watering routine,(water thoroughly, then let dry almost completely, before the next watering) and you'll be good to go, trust me. :)


Well-Known Member
9"? Holy shit, they're getting like 40,000+ lumens per square foot!!! Yeah, I agree, you better back it off a 24" should be fine, or even a bit further than that, for another 5-7 days.


Well-Known Member
I know you were getting stretching, so make sure you have a nice breeze in the room. The plant will start to focus on bulding a bigger root structure to hold itself in place instead of searching for light.


Active Member
Okay so here is todays pic. Also could someone tell me if the ph/moisture/light meter thingy pictured is of any use to me and what i should aim for.



Active Member
can anyone advise me one the tester, and can i use it to take ph readings from the soil AND water or just soil OR water. I just tested the ph on my tap water and reading is 7.


Well-Known Member
It will work for pH, but they arent the most accurate so i would be wary using it for ppm. Yees you you can use it in both soil and water but i found they werent good for reading the soil pH. Test runoff water instead.


Active Member
It will work for pH, but they arent the most accurate so i would be wary using it for ppm. Yees you you can use it in both soil and water but i found they werent good for reading the soil pH. Test runoff water instead.
Cool, i really wanted it to work in water more than soil bc i know the water in my area fluctuates. And i dont know that it can tell me the ppm, can you explain how it could be used to tell the ppm?


Active Member
Ok, lights just went out. Full day under the HPS, expecting to see some movement tommorow (will post pics). #1 has not grown much in the last 3 days, but it was the stretcher and is probably still in shock from the burial - hope to see some change in the morning. #2 is looking great, strong stems as on your guys advice i have been giving them a breeze when the lights are on. No water today, misted with soda water before bed.


Active Member
Here is todays pics, wasn't very sunny outside so they didnt go in the window. So they get another full day under the hps.

#2 showed some more leaf today, starting to smell a bit too. #1 didn't get much more in height but on closer inspection there is a whole bunch of new growth preparing to pop out, cant wait.

If they seem a bit droopy thats coz i havent watered them in a while (apart from misting them at lights out with carbonated water), gonna give them a soak tonite at lights out.

Since these ones look ok now and i have temperature problems under control i have decided to throw 2 more beans. I am germinating the same way i germed these ones, paper towel etc. Which gives me a two week gap between the two lots. Got me a bag today so im gonna blaze one tonight with them so they know what there destiny is lol.


Active Member
can anyone tell me what those little blue balls are in the soil, they look like slow release fertiliser pellets, when i squeeze them they pop and a bit of water comes out.