How are my little ones...?


Active Member
This seedling looks sad help. I know the soil looks soaked but it isnt, i noticed it was sad when i sprayed it so im asking for some help. Is it dead? I have another one under the same conditions and its fine, but this one dont look to good.


And here are some new pics of the other two, havent shown sex yet...



Active Member
Ok here are some new pics....

Any advice is appreciated. The stems are thick as but the leaves look a bit droopy, not sure what to do.

The shorter one is # 1 and the taller is # 2. Lowryder #1 Auto's. 600w HPS w/ 160w CFL. They broke ground on the first of this month, and have not shown sex yet, i expect to see sex in the next few days. Am using trace amounts of organic fertiliser, will go to full strength tomorow, unless advised otherwise. I water them every second day, unless containers are still heavy.

So without further delay...


Active Member
I could still use some advice on the drooping, apart from that growth was good last night, still no sign of sex, im starting to wonder if they are going to auto or not as i was planning on keeping them on 18/6 all the way, if they dont auto i will have to drop to 12/12 and that goes against reccomendations from the breeder as they say 18//6 is optimal from seed to chop, the top was leaning over abit last night but after watering it perked up again, starting to get a smell from #2 but #1 is without smell..... am concerned about the drooping of leaves and the clawing....pls help.