How are my plants looking ?

What's causing my plants problems?

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Well-Known Member
The nutrients you're using are organic, and while they will work in coco, they aren't ideal. They are going to take time to break down and become available to your plants, meanwhile you're expecting hydro results. I would either change your nutrients or chalk this run up to experience. Your girls are in flower, they appear to lack the proper nutrients and you don't seem to have the proper nutrients per se for what you're trying to do. It might make sense to finish out your grow for the sake of experience, but in the end, use it as a lesson, get the proper equipment and nutrients you need for growing in coco and try, try again.
I will and I just need to get the nutrients 2 more fans and ph up and down


Well-Known Member
Have you considered if there's a male or Hermaphrodite in your garden, in terms of your pistils turning brown? Generally speaking you'd see bud rot on older, denser flowers...not that it can't be bud rot, but the flowers being fertilized by a male or male flowers is very plausible.


I’d try MegaCrop from @GreenleafNutrients. As a beginner it doesn’t get much more simple and it’s an all in one nutrient specially formulated for cannabis. It dissolves easily in water and is very PH stable. Just mix it, PH it and you’re set, it literally doesn’t get anymore simple. This is my very first grow, 34 days from seed & topped 2 weeks ago.

