How are my plants?


Well-Known Member
My plants have been germinated for bout 1 week and now growing for about 2 weeks. they are 3 weeks old now but seem small(bout 1 1/2 inch each). I have seen pics of other peoples small plants but they got braches and shit at the same height mine is at. My 24inch flourescent double tube light only lets out 1200 lumens all together. I know this isnt that much but is it enough for just 2 plants?? The color temp. on the bulbs is 2700k. I dont know wat that means but the bulbs seem to let out more of a red tint(flowering end of the spectrum). are there better bulbs for a 24inch lighting fixture i can buy.

Also, my roomate is growing under a bulb flourescent and his plants(third pic) are about 7inches tall. the taller one broke at the stem because of weight but it seems fine now (primarily because its not dead). his have also slowed a lot.

just wondering how they are growing, wat things I can do to make them grow better, and why it seems like they are growing so slow.



Well-Known Member
put the light closer to the plants...if the bulb isnt too hot, then put the light 1-2 inches away.
also you should go buy a cfl light, they are cheap...and effective. they cost like $8. look for the daylight has more of a bluish color...insted of the Orangeish color.
dont water them sooo much, just water less ofton, but with more water.

mainly put the light closer, is my guess. you want the stems to stay shorter insted of longer...if the light is far away, the plant will reach for the light. and during the reaching process, it is focusing growth on the main stem, insted of the foliage.


Well-Known Member
Ok first you will need so other type of light to flower a MJ plant. Atleast buy some 42w CFLs. 5 or so at min. Put the lights within inches..1-2 inches. Never plant more than one plant per pot. You said that these are three weeks right? Well this is what i would do..i would start over and fix the above things i mentioned. Start with the right materials this time. Flouro tubes are ok the veg but are a no no for flowering. Try investing in some good fox farm is the shit. If you start over with good materials you can reach the point in growth that you are at now, in a couple of days. no joke. with that said that doesnt mean there is no hope for you present crop. i am just saying that is what i would do :)

whateva you do atleast move the light closer, buy some cfls, and think of replanting into seperate pots...


Well-Known Member
Right now your stems seem pretty long. im with you in the small lighting department running a 45w 2700Lumen CFL in a 1' x 1' box 2' tall. Walls well foiled I think I'm going to have enough but I am planning on going the bonzai route.


Active Member
Listen to seedlessone for sure. LIGHT, LIGHT, and more LIGHT. You need way more light for the veg stage for sure and when flowering comes your gonna need a whole butt load of more light. Not sure about your circulation but you gotta get them a fresh supply of clean air and I would recomend putting some kind of fan gently blowing on them back and forth. Don't keep the fan directly on them, just the slightest of a breeze. This will replicate the outside wind and will make the stems grow stronger, therefore they will not topple over. And again like seedlessone said the lights need to be a lot closer! This will also prevent them from toppling over. Again like seedlessone said, if it were me I would start over. Sounds like they all ready may be way to stressed out, at least your friends' that fell over, and may not be happy with the results. This is all just my experience and opinions, but i think this should help you out!


Well-Known Member
thanks, all good information.. but why would a cfl be better than my flourescent tubes right now?? I went out and bout a different light. Its for my fixture but instead of the "grow light" that they sell, I bought one "kitchen and bathroom" light than has almost double the lumens. Grow light = 750 lumens. Kitchen light = 1300 lumens. will this help or should I just buy 5 cfl's??


Well-Known Member

Your babies look almost as bad as mine did. ;) You can see in my avatar what they look like after about 4 weeks of good light. I used 10 26w CFL's with a color of 6500k.

Go get you some lights dewd. If you can look in your grow box and than look away and still see, you need more light. ;) For 2 plants, I would go with at least 6 42w 6500k CFLs in a good box which is properly lined.



Well-Known Member

Your babies look almost as bad as mine did. ;) You can see in my avatar what they look like after about 4 weeks of good light. I used 10 26w CFL's with a color of 6500k.

Go get you some lights dewd. If you can look in your grow box and than look away and still see, you need more light. ;) For 2 plants, I would go with at least 6 42w 6500k CFLs in a good box which is properly lined.

Heh my eyes burn when i close my grow box's door.