How are people getting 20 % plus yields!!!????? Please help

It dabs perfect as it isn't subjected to acid forms as they get vaped by the nail, it goes through it's decarboxylated process at that time.
You need 220 to 240 F for over 20 minutes to decarb. You are funny when you say that you do your Decarb on the nail when making yourself sound like you are the Messiah of concentrate, get your basic first.
Shit Masters Hashishins around the world have been doing decarboxylation since the dawn of time, they did not have a name or the scientific background but nonetheless the traditions go far back in time.
ill answer for him

"well at some point in time for a split second the oil is at 220 to 240 degrees and i do co2 extracts so thats all is need for my stuff to decarb. so yes it decarbs on the nail duh.... "
oh wow thats funny. I read the comment and thought "thats fuckin hilarious"

then I seen who wrote it!!!!! and it became even funnier. hahahahaha, I swear to god its finshaggy in a different account.
Oilmkr does make some interesting statements, but in this case carboxylic acid is decarboxylated by the hot nail. The higher the temperature, the faster it happens.

The fizz that you see when you apply shatter to a hot nail, is the CO2 being liberated by decarboxylation.

We only decarboxylate oil that is to be ingested orally, as it doesn't readily pass the blood brain barrier in the polar acid state. Vaporizing or combusting it, takes care of that issue all by itself.
and its actually pages and pages of bull shit, some of it really reads like the person typing was on something hard core like pcp or bath salts or some good acid
Don't worry GG we still love you, lol

I looked like a fool myself, regarding butane containing ”lubricant-oils” that can't be removed.
I was given info, and ran with it...

Derp!.. Haha

I still refuse to use Vector ever again, because, I've personally seen the white residue that seems to not be present in Lucienne, Newport and Colibri.
” The one and only stupid questions is the question that remains silent.

I have to say, with the exception of a couple of ignorant self-proclaimed” oil-kings”
*A true oil” professional” will never deem themselves” king”*

This is probably the most friendly forum on the web....

So many other forums berate one another; and if you don't” fit-in”.. You are belittled and chased off.

Heaven forbid if one posts up some dank honeycomb/wax, fully purged beautiful errrl...

Buuut, if it's not perfect glass transparent shatter... You is the devil.

Haha, I think we all know what forum I speak of.