How are thesse ladies looking?


Well-Known Member
U should flip them. They look healthy and vibrant and as soon as 12/12 starts they are going to grow a lot. Think 2x or more....
Awesome everyone thanks for the replies/compliments we have lst some of the sativa strains we have bubble bud god bud northern lights crossed with skunk11 power bud. Theese are all 4to 6 weeks of veg under three 400w mh in a 6'by3' tent. This grow room is cheap and total cost under 1000$ i will start the flip on saturday! I installed our other three lights along with cfls and t5s. If i get subed ill continue to update threw harvest. There will be a total of 3300 watts actual ! We gave stayed on a light does of nutes and fed only they looked hungry. We just started exp with willow water and cal mag solution that you all helped me figure out in a previous post. I have one ? From all forums ive read my best gues for yeild is about 4lbs is this close to possible or ;) am i undercutting my self lol. Sorry if this makes no sense im enjoying one of my plants distant relatives����������
I bought a trellis net form Walmart to pit in but cant decide if i want to the only reason im thinking about that is for stretch purposes. My plan is to leave the mh on and one hps until the " main stretch " is done. Do you guys think with my full canopy that it would help any or would it just cause unnecessary work. I want to yeild a good amount of meds?
Last? I had was should i defoliate a little to allow light threw i know this is a debateable topic but i was thinking about triming the tips of the leaves because i can barley move my hand into my canopy it is to thick with leaves. I have sucessfully rooted my clones i needed in a simple cup of water with a small amount of willow water! I dont know if i have mentioned this is my first grow but want advice for my plants not "growing" in general! Thank you all and i hope to be an asset to the comunity someday! Happy growing everyone


Well-Known Member
I want to yeild a good amount of meds?
The longer you veg, the higher your yield will be, are you thinking about:

FIMing and or topping ?
Check this great thread:

I use the Uncle Ben top method, on all my plants now, they grow thick, bush, and 4-5 main colas each!
Nice and Short, which would help you with your possible height issues...

defoliate, no don't do it... Triming the bush, yes, I trim the leaves so plants do not cause shade on another plant...
Otherwise, I leave all leaves on until, they are 50% burnt out...

Your plants look good, keep it up!
Thanks for the reply o have lst along with tied down stems that were alot talker then the rest of the cannopy.and by burnt out are u talking about lower growth ?
Ok so i woke up this morning to open the tent and the middle of the tops on my plants are turning lime green i just fed tgem there pre bloom nutes and added my fourth light to make a total of 1600 watts right now. My thoughts are iron def. or my lights were to close !!!!! Any help please dont want my good start to be wasted!