How are they lookin?


Hey so they are under 1800 Watts of HPS light, lumatek digital 3x 600 watts. They have airconditioner, two 18 inch stand fans on oscilate and 12 inch wall mount fans. Auto Waters with water pump/resovoir and spegatti hose.

They are 5x Blue Mystic, and 2x White Widow (middle closest and middle middle plants)

Photo 12-02-04 10 35 48 AM.jpgPhoto 12-02-04 10 35 34 AM.jpgPhoto 12-02-04 10 35 38 AM.jpgPhoto 12-02-04 10 35 42 AM.jpg


over-fed......or over-watered
How so? I used less nutrients then bottle recommended and I diluted with water at about 3 weeks when I refilled Res I didnt add more nutes. They are really green no yellowing at all, maybe its the camera that is tricking you?

They water for 2 minutes every thursday at 2 am and every monday at 2am, the lights are on 24/7

The amount of water is about half of a litre and it fully soaks the dirt then comes out the bottom into containers. The humidity is around 40-50 depending, and the temp is about 25 all the time. They are fully dried out about 2-3 days after watering.


What are the signs of overwatering? Thanks :) I'll have to adjust the timer next week when I get out to my grow location and set it back maybe a minute instead of two! Should I cut water back by half or go a 1 1/2 minutes and cut it back by 25% instead? Or even less? Wheres a good place to start I only get out there every 2 weeksish and I was thinking about switching them to bloom next weekend when I go out. Should i? they are about 3ft tall now I wanted to do a 1 1/2 veg and a 1 1/2 or more bloom if i could to get around 3 months total if possible to see what kind of qauntity im getting because I could fit about 20 auto flowers in the same amount of space or more!


Well-Known Member
definitely over watered. if it were over fed the tips would have burned.

the symptoms are leaves are hard and curled. just as they appear to be in the photos.


Okay cool thanks! any idea of how much to cut off? Like from 2 days at 2 minutes to maybe 1 day? Or 2 days at 1 minute or 1 day at 1 minute?

Plants are in 5 gallon pails with soil that drains very very well

2 Minutes = half a litre, drains through dirt and out bottom.

thats half a litre every monday at 2 am and thursday at 2am, total is like 1 litreish a week. How much should I down the timer you think?


Well-Known Member
keep an eye on the soil. pay close attention to when it dries out. adjust accordingly. no one can give an exact watering schedule. we dont know all the factors of your grow. my plants, in 3 gallon pots, get water every 4 to 5 days.