How are things looking?

I’ve done a few outdoor grows in the past, but being in the burbs my paranoia was through the roof. I partner with a buddy and we grow indoors at his place(single, no kids). I have one plant growing outside now and have no idea where it came from, it just popped up in the back corner of the yard. Maybe a bird shit it out? The neighbor playing Johnny Appleseed? Who knows.
Now that this backwards state is legal, I can’t wait for next year. Seeds are bought, the garden is planned, now I just have to white knuckle through the next 7 months or so.
I have another top level branch that was whipped from its support and broken in 2 places, I splinted it with bamboo the best I could :( I will have to assess the damage in the morning...
Bamboo + tape, if you got wood glue use that too

if it was me I would spray after rain storms (next day) and spray the surfaces of the plant with SABF or some milk. Does wonders on mold exp pm,leafspot and budrot!
Cost effective, concentrated and safe to day of harvest. The only reason why similiar cannabis products are labeled are limited to 3ish weeks previous and so forth with same limits as anything organic and notill. It’s even the safe bacteria if you were commerical selling since most states have such restrictive limits even thou it makes no logical to be that limited on such. That’s why u can’t. But I asked multi brands that use this mode of attack and that’s the reason vs it’s not safe or not effective at that point. Key with using such is having a very fine mist and to get coverage but also have a wetting agent used so it sticks.

5ml (preventive stage/start) - 15ml (end stage/infectious ) per gallon rate
Bamboo + tape, if you got wood glue use that too

if it was me I would spray after rain storms (next day) and spray the surfaces of the plant with SABF or some milk. Does wonders on mold exp pm,leafspot and budrot!
Cost effective, concentrated and safe to day of harvest. The only reason why similiar cannabis products are labeled are limited to 3ish weeks previous and so forth with same limits as anything organic and notill. It’s even the safe bacteria if you were commerical selling since most states have such restrictive limits even thou it makes no logical to be that limited on such. That’s why u can’t. But I asked multi brands that use this mode of attack and that’s the reason vs it’s not safe or not effective at that point. Key with using such is having a very fine mist and to get coverage but also have a wetting agent used so it sticks.

5ml (preventive stage/start) - 15ml (end stage/infectious ) per gallon rate
I have this stuff... every year I plant squashes, they get powdery mildew, and nothing I use works. I'll give it a shot.
Milk spray is pretty effective for pm in my garden.

I hope your plants weathered the storm with little damage
I am fighting PM also. I have been using a copper fungicide that is organic and seems to be working, but I have seen the milk mentioned a few times. Can you explain more what you use, how much, process? Thanks! PM is scaring the crap out of me!