How are we looking for 21days

didn't work out quite so well im guessing lol, weve all been there. first time i tried a SOG it was a right mess, i snapped a few colas that day i can tell you
Nah it wasn't the screen. It was my first coco run coming from soil. Didn't expect the stretch hahah. In soil the most I'd had was around 30-40cm but these went atleast a meter and they were 20cm off the lights, couldn't get in the room to prune, didn't do the runoff properly and ended up with like 4.8ec runoff, room temp was around 32C , they hermed plus numerous other things, was a complete cluster fuck but still got my PB hahahahah seed was barely noticeable just a heap of nanners
Nice even canopy. What genetics are you running?
Bruce banner. I've had it for 2 years now but this will be the last run with it. Started a fresh bean that will be the next 2 years hopefully, still bruce banner. Seeds were from weedseedexpress. The bean I just popped is from the same batch I got a few years ago and it's a mutant haha growing 3 branches at each node instead of 2