How bad did i do


So let me know how bad I did one my first time... it seems there is alot of stem, but I dont know what I am looking at. Let me know if there is anything here or did i waste all my time.


Well-Known Member
You'll get better dude, get a book on growing. The cannabis grow Bible is a good start. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Well ... what a waste to say the least .. you could have let it actually mature ... but to each their own


Well-Known Member
You got more than me my first grow (had to abandon it), so that's cool. I feel like you didn't have good light but that's def a lil weed plant! Maybe invest in some proper equipment?


Active Member
No, but seriously man, keep at it. We are all just busting your balls, in our defense you sort of asked for it. There's a wealth of information here for free or at your local bookstore that will help your next post look like another famed Christmas tree...

"It's not going in our yard, Russ. It's going in our living room."


Well-Known Member
It's not a total lose. You got the experience under your belt. Next time don't do any of the things you did the first time, and it will be all good. LoL good luck man.

Peezo lo gro

New Member
I have mixed emotions on this because my first grow was better but any grow is a good grow I guess. Keep at it and you will look back and laugh like hell one day and smoke a fatty of your own good shit...:joint:

good things come to those who wait...


Active Member
Looks like she might of been a he anyway..

Any grow is a good grow.. you can quote me on that if you give the credit to the guy who said it first above this thread..


Well-Known Member
looks like pretty fat stems, usually if you can grow fat stems you can grow fat nugs, kinda looks like shit genetics did more harm than you soooooo. good job


Active Member
hang out on riu. read,read,read,ask questions,whatever it takes...were you expecting to be an expert gardener first time out? lol read,listen,learn good luck


Well-Known Member
For the people saying he wasted his time, I feel like you could do something more constructive with your time rather than kick someone who is already down because their first grow didn't go too well. Grow up. You didn't waste your time, learn something from this. More light, nutrients, etc. You get out of it what you put into it. Research is the key.